Subscribing for a Course
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A coaching institute offers several services, products, and various courses. You can subscribe for any of these. You can view the service provider details and also request for an appointment with the coaching institute. This page also displays the ratings based on how other customers have rated the respective coaching institute.
You can view the following:
1. Request Appointment: Click to request an appointment with the selected coaching institute.
2. View Service Provider: Click to view the service provider.
3. Category: Displays the category to which the coaching institute belongs.
4. Rating: Displays the ratings given by other customers for the respective coaching institute.
5. Location: Displays the location of the selected coaching institute.
Displays the list of products that the selected coaching institute offers to customers.
Displays the list of services that the selected coaching institute offers to customers.
Displays the list of subscriptions that the selected coaching institute offers to customers. Note that the subscriptions, which are defined and published for the respective institute, are listed. You can view the following:
6. Name: Displays the name of the subscription.
7. Subscription Fee: Displays the subscription fee.
8. Fee Type: Displays the fee type.
9. Hover your mouse over a course and click to subscribe for the course. When you
and enter
the required details, the application sends an email to the
institute that you selected.
Displays the email address, contact address, and the office timings of the respective institute.