Adding Filters for Subscription Applications


Adding Filters for Subscription Applications
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You can filter records based on the status of the application.

Create Filter

1.      Status: Select a value from the drop-down list to filter records based on the selected status. You can select one of these to filter records:

·       All: Select All to display all subscription applications.

·       Pending: Select Pending to view subscription applications that are received from the customer.

·       Approved: Select Approved to view only those subscription applications that are approved by the institute.

·       Rejected: Select Rejected to view subscription applications that are rejected by the institute.

·       Click graphicto view the records matching the selected filter or click graphic to clear the data you specified or click graphic to save the filter. Note that when you save the filter, it is listed under the Saved Filter tab.

Saved Filter

This tab displays the filters that you created and saved using the Create Filter tab.