Adding an Unregistered Customer
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Using this screen, you can add an unregistered customer to the application. For example, a customer might walk-in directly to the coaching institute to enquire and register for a particular course. Such customers are called unregistered customers.
You can enroll an unregistered customer by specifying the personal details, suitable course, and the contact details of the customer. The details are displayed under two tabs, Home and Contact.
You must enter the following details:
1. Name: Enter the name of the customer. This field is mandatory.
2. Picture: Click to select and upload a photograph of the customer.
3. Category: Select a value from the drop-down list. The categories that you define in Manage Office -> Office Setting -> Categories tab are listed.
4. Tags: Select a value from the drop-down list. The customer tags that you define in Manage Office -> Office Setting -> Categories tab are listed.
5. Note: Enter more information about the customer.
6. Documents: Click to upload documents provided by the customer.
7. Roll No: Enter a roll number for the customer.
8. Birth Date: Click to select the birth date of the customer from the Calendar.
9. Gender: Enter the gender of the customer.
10. Father Name: Enter the father's name for the respective customer.
11. Mother Name: Enter the mother's name for the respective customer.
12. Occupation: Enter the occupation of the customer.
13. Previous Exp: Enter previous experience of the customer with the coaching institute, if any.
14. Blood Group: Enter the blood group of the customer.
15. Click to save the details and navigate to the Contact tab or click
to cancel.