
VectorDraw Web Library

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GetEntitiesInWindowBox Method
See Also 
vdWebLibrary Namespace > vdrawObj Class : GetEntitiesInWindowBox Method
The x value of the lower left point of the box in pixel coordinates.
The y value of the lower left point of the box in pixel coordinates.
The x value of the upper right point of the box in pixel coordinates.
The y value of the upper right point of the box in pixel coordinates.
Returns an array of vdraw entities that lie entirely inside the specified box. Even if a small part of an entity lies outside the box, the entity is ignored. The first two parameters define the first point of the box and the rest define the second point in pixel coordinates.


public function GetEntitiesInWindowBox( 
   xmin : int,
   ymin : int,
   xmax : int,
   ymax : int
) : Object;


The x value of the lower left point of the box in pixel coordinates.
The y value of the lower left point of the box in pixel coordinates.
The x value of the upper right point of the box in pixel coordinates.
The y value of the upper right point of the box in pixel coordinates.

Return Value

>An array of the entities inside the box or an empty array if no entity is found.

See Also