The following tables list the members exposed by gripmanager.
Public Fields
| Name | Description |
 | aftermovegrip |
A user defined method that fires just after a grip of an entity has been moved.
 | beforemovegrip |
A user defined method that fires just before a grip of an entity move.
 | filtergripentity |
A user defined method that fires before an entity is added to grip collection
 | gripselectionchanged |
A user defined method that fires when an entity is added or removed from the grip collection
Public Properties
| Name | Description |
 | Enable |
If it is true grips are added and drawn.By default is true. (after a redraw or refresh call)(bydefault is true)
Note in order to see grips,after you have enabled them you need to call a refresh() or a redraw() to see them on the canvas.
 | GripColor |
An array of byte (0-255) Red,green,blue,alpha [R,G,B,A]of the color of the grip rectangle.Default value is [0,0,255,255] (blue with no transparency).
 | GripSize |
An integer of grip box pixel size of each side.By default is 15 (pixels).
 | MaxGrips |
Tha maximum number in total of grips that will be draw on the canvas.Default value is 100.
 | SelectMode |
Get/Set the grip action.Default value is GRIPMODE_AUTO and the grips are selected when mouse down on a figure.
Public Methods
| Name | Description |
 | AddItem |
Add an entity in a collection which will use grips.If Enable = false no entity will be added.
 | clear |
Clears all the grips of the active layout.Note in order to not see any more the grips,you need to call a refresh() or a redraw().
 | ContainsItem |
Returns true if the entity exists in the grip selection and false if it does not exist.
 | count |
Returns the number of selected entities in the grip collection
 | GetEntityGrips |
Returns an array of points in world Coordinate System that represent the grip of the passed entity.
Currently supported entities are:vdLine,vdPolyline,vdRect,vdText,vdPoint,vdAttrib,vdAttribDef,vdInsert,vdImage,vdArc.vdCircle,vdEllipse.
vdLine_code and the StartPoint , EndPoint are added.
 | GetItem |
Returns the entity on the specific index in the grip collection.
 | RemoveItem |
Removes an entity from the collection of the entities which use grips.
See Also