
VectorDraw Web Library

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circle Method
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vdWebLibrary Namespace > ScriptCommands Class : circle Method
A array of parameters in the following order, used for no user action. 1.Center point in world coordinate system, as an array of 3 numbers(X,Y,Z) 2.Radius in drawing units
A user function of ScriptEntityDelegate type, that will be called when the command finish successfully.It can be ignored.
Add a circle to the document.


public function circle( 
   parameters : Object[],
   callback : ScriptEntityDelegate


A array of parameters in the following order, used for no user action. 1.Center point in world coordinate system, as an array of 3 numbers(X,Y,Z) 2.Radius in drawing units
A user function of ScriptEntityDelegate type, that will be called when the command finish successfully.It can be ignored.


C#Copy Code
vdrawobj.scriptCommand.circle(); // begins a user action to draw a circle
C#Copy Code
// draw a circle using active color , linetype,layer etc properties, with center 2,2 and radus 3 
//after this command is finished the object is not drawn on screen. 
//You can call the vdrawObj.redraw after adding an amount of commands 
setTimeout(vdrawObj.redraw);//post a redraw command
C#Copy Code
// draw a circle using active color , linetype,layer etc properties, with center 2,2 and radus 3 
//after this command is finished the object is not drawn on screen. 
//In order to display it call vdrawObj.DrawEntity and <see cref="M:vdWebLibrary.vdrawObj.Refresh"/>  inside the user define callback .See example. 
function actionentityadded(vdraw, entity) { 
   setTimeout(vdraw.Refresh);//post a refresh command 
vdrawobj.scriptCommand.circle([[2,2,0],3.0] , actionentityadded);


if passed parameters not exist or it is null then start a new user action and prompts the user to draw a circle. If parameters are not null then a new circle is added synchronously depend on the passed parameters. The command add the action to undo history and also to script lines getCommands If parameters are not null and after this command is finished the object is not drawn on screen In order to display it call DrawEntity and Refresh inside the user define callback .See example.

See Also