%%PageItemTitle%% $$Properties$$

VectorDraw Web Library

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TouchEventArgs Class Properties
See Also 
vdWebLibrary Namespace : TouchEventArgs Class

For a list of all members of this type, see TouchEventArgs members.

Public Properties

Public PropertyCancel When set to true, all the default functionality of the event is not executed.  
Public PropertyNumTouchs The number of touches the user has performed on the device's screen.  
Public PropertyPos1 Gets the point in pixel coordinates relative to the upper left corner of the drawing area, of the user's touch event.  
Public PropertyPos2 Gets the point in pixel coordinates relative to the upper left corner of the drawing area, of the user's touch event for the second finger. If no second finger was used, it returns null.  
Public PropertyPrevPos1 Gets the point in pixel coordinates relative to the upper left corner of the drawing area, of the user's previous touch event. Returns null if there is none.  
Public PropertyPrevPos2 Gets the point in pixel coordinates relative to the upper left corner of the drawing area, of the user's previous touch event for the second finger. If no second finger was used, it returns null.  

See Also