
VectorDraw Web Library

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dimvar Method
See Also 
vdWebLibrary Namespace > ScriptCommands Class : dimvar Method
One of the following dimension style property names:

'TYPE' the dimension style type .The value can be 'ALIGN' for aligned dimension or 'HOR' for horizontal or 'VER' for vertical.Default value is 'ALIGN'

'BLK' the block name that is drawn at the ends of the dimension line. The value can be 'ARROW' or 'TICK' or '' empty for no block or an existing block name in the document Blocks collection.Default value is 'TICK'.

'TEXTH' the text height in drawing units as string.Default value is '0.2'

'LUNITS' the unis that used to format the dimension text.The value can be 'DEC' for decimal unirs,'ENG' for Engineering 'ARC' for Architectural 'FRAC' for Fractional 'SC' for Scientific.Default value is 'DEC'

'PREC' the number of decimals as integer string.The value must be between 0 to 12.Default value is '4'

'SZEROS' the suppression of zero of the default dim length text.The value can be '0' for no suppression or '1' for suppression leading and trailing zeros.Default value is '0'

'LINECOLOR' the color of the dimension line as string colorToString.Default value is 'byblock'

'EXTCOLOR' the color of the dimension extension line as string colorToString.Default value is 'byblock'

'TEXTCOLOR' the color of the dimension text as string colorToString.Default value is 'byblock'

The value of passed variablename as string
Set dimension style properties used to draw a dimension executed be command dim


public function dimvar( 
   variablename : String,
   value : String


One of the following dimension style property names:

'TYPE' the dimension style type .The value can be 'ALIGN' for aligned dimension or 'HOR' for horizontal or 'VER' for vertical.Default value is 'ALIGN'

'BLK' the block name that is drawn at the ends of the dimension line. The value can be 'ARROW' or 'TICK' or '' empty for no block or an existing block name in the document Blocks collection.Default value is 'TICK'.

'TEXTH' the text height in drawing units as string.Default value is '0.2'

'LUNITS' the unis that used to format the dimension text.The value can be 'DEC' for decimal unirs,'ENG' for Engineering 'ARC' for Architectural 'FRAC' for Fractional 'SC' for Scientific.Default value is 'DEC'

'PREC' the number of decimals as integer string.The value must be between 0 to 12.Default value is '4'

'SZEROS' the suppression of zero of the default dim length text.The value can be '0' for no suppression or '1' for suppression leading and trailing zeros.Default value is '0'

'LINECOLOR' the color of the dimension line as string colorToString.Default value is 'byblock'

'EXTCOLOR' the color of the dimension extension line as string colorToString.Default value is 'byblock'

'TEXTCOLOR' the color of the dimension text as string colorToString.Default value is 'byblock'

The value of passed variablename as string

See Also