1.3.1 LSISETUP - LANSA Setup
The LSISETUP command must be executed at the beginning of your install program before any other LSI* commands.
LSISETUP creates a work library LANSAWRK99 (which is deleted by the LSICLEANUP command) and adds this library to the library list. All the required objects are then restored from the LOADLIB into this library. LSISETUP also sets up environment variables and values which are referenced by the other LSI* commands.
The device name of your optical drive must be supplied for use in other commands.
Note:If you are using Independent Auxiliary Pool Group (IASP) consider the following:
Because the LSISETUP command can be anywhere in your Install/Upgrade program, it is best to set the ASPGRP parameter to *JOB in LSISETUP command and set the jobs ASP group by using IBM i command SETASPGRP.
You could use any one of the following four scenarios:
- You can set the job's ASP group by changing the job description's user profile parameter INLASPGRP to a required ASP group name. When this user signs on, the job's ASP group will be set to the ASP group name that was in the job description.
- After signing on you can use the IBM i SETASPGRP command to set the job to the required ASP group.
- If you are running your install/upgrade job in batch mode you can specify the ASP group in the SBMJOB command's INLASPGRP parameter to the ASP group that you are going to use.
- If the job that is submitting your install/upgrade has already set the correct ASP group then use *CURRENT in the SBMJOB commands INLASPGRP parameter.
If you require more information about IASP, refer to Using Independent Auxiliary Storage Pool (IASP) in the .
LSISETUP -------- DEVICE ---------- OPT01 ----------------------->
Device name
>-- ASP -------------- 1 -------------------------->
1-32 or *ASPDEV
>-- ASPDEV ---------- *ASP ------------------------>
*ASP or ASP device name or
>-- ASPGRP ---------- *NONE ------------------------|
JOB, NONE or ASP Group name
The name of the optical device |
Indicates whether objects are to be restored into a given ASP or IASP device. If using ASP: A value between 1 and 32 is valid The default is 1. If using IASP then this must be *ASPDEV. |
If using ASP then this must be *ASP. If using IASP this must be a valid IASP device name or *ASPGRP. If you use *ASPGRP then the IASP device name and ASP Group name are same. If you are using IASP then the device that is been used must be on-line. The default *ASP. |
If using ASP then the value is *NONE. If using IASP This value must be ASP group name or *JOB. When *JOB is specified the ASP group name is derived from the current job. The default is *NONE. |