1.5 Licensing
Ensure you include appropriate license information for LANSA when you install your application.
LANSA for i
LANSA for i does not require a runtime license. You must have a license for the IBM i on which you do your development, but you do not need a license for the machine on which your application is executed.
LANSA for the Web
To run LANSA for the Web applications you require an appropriate LANSA for the Web Production license.
LANSA Integrator
To use LANSA Integrator you must have a valid key license installed.
LANSA Open System Utilities
You do not require a LANSA license to use the Open System Utilities.
How to Request a LANSA License
To request a LANSA license you need to supply the CPU number, model number and processor feature code of each IBM i where your application (and hence LANSA) is to be installed.
These notes are from LANSA IBM i License in the :
1. Identify your IBM i Processor, Serial and Model Number
2. Sign on to the IBM i.
3. From an i5/OS Command Entry, display your IBM i System Values by entering the following command:
4. On the Work System Values screen, use option 5 to display the required information.
- QSRLNBR System serial number
- QMODEL System model number
- QPRCFEAT Processor Feature
5. To display a single system value, you may also use the DSPSYSVAL command. For example, DSPSYSVAL QSRLNBR.
You will also find licensing details at http://www.lansa.com.au/support/licensing/index.htm.
Ý 1. How to Create a Silent Install