1.3.2 LSIINSTALL - LANSA for i Installation
The LSIINSTALL command installs a standard LANSA for i system including the standard partition SYS.
For a typical installation it is recommended that you provide a unique value for the program library (PGMLIB) and optionally the Listener Connection Port (CONNIDN) and Company Name (COMPANY). In most cases, the default values will be sufficient for all other parameters.
LANSA for the Web is not installed as part of the LSIINSTALL command. LANSA for the Web is installed separately using the LSIWEBINS command.
The LANSA for i installation does NOT import any of the shipped import files. Refer to LSIIMPORT for more details.
For information to clarify the actions of these commands, refer to the
LSIINSTALL ------ PGMLIB ---------- *DFT ------------------------>
library name
>-- DTALIB ---------- *DFT ------------------------>
library name
>-- COMLIB --------- *DFT ------------------------>
library name
>-- COMPANY --------- *DFT ------------------------>
company name
>-- SYSLIB ---------- *DFT ------------------------>
library name
>-- SYSRDMLX -------- NO -------------------------->
>-- RIFS ------------ *DFT ------------------------>
>-- DEVLNG ---------- *DFT ------------------------>
>-- SYSOWN ---------- *DFT ------------------------>
user profile
>-- SECOFR ---------- *DFT ------------------------>
user profile
>-- JOBD ----------- *DFT ------------------------>
job description
>-- SBSDNM ---------- *DFT ------------------------>
>-- JOBDNM --------- *DFT ------------------------>
job description
>-- JOBQNM ---------- *DFT ------------------------>
job queue
>-- CONNIDN --------- 04545 ----------------------->
port number
>-- IFS ------------- *DFT ------------------------|
The program library nominated is used to identify the LANSA system. The library nominated must not already exist on the system. The default value, *DFT, is DCXPGMLIB. The respective library names are derived using the first three characters of the program library as a prefix and a predetermined suffix. For example, if the program library is set to ABCPGMLIB the data library will be derived as ABCDTALIB. |
The LANSA system data library. The library nominated must not already exist on the system. The default value, *DFT, is derived using the first three characters of the program library as a prefix and the suffix DTALIB. For example, ABCDTALIB. |
The LANSA system communications library. The library nominated must not already exist on the system. The default value, *DFT, is derived using the first three characters of the program library as a prefix and the suffix COMLIB. For example, ABCCOMLIB. |
A textual value to identify the company/organization installing LANSA. It is recommended that you center the company/organization in the 30 characters available. |
The partition library for the SYS partition. The library nominated must not already exist on the system. The default value, *DFT, is derived using the first three characters of the program library as a prefix and the suffix MODLIB. For example, ABCMODLIB. |
Indicates whether the SYS partition should be RDMLX enabled. The default value is NO. |
The LANSA root directory used by all LANSA objects that require the IFS. It is recommended that you use the default path /LANSA_<pgmlib>/. |
The default value, *DFT, is derived from the IBM I's system values. Only English (ENG), French (FRA) and Japanese (JPN) are supported as development languages. |
The LANSA installation product owner. The default value, *DFT, is QOTHPRDOWN. This profile will be automatically created if it does not already exist. Specify an existing OS/400 user profile to be the owner of this LANSA for i system. This user will own any objects subsequently created by the LANSA for i installation. |
Specify the name of an existing OS/400 user who is to be the Partition Security Officer for the SYS partition. The default value is a user profile with the same name as the LANSA Program Library, for example DCXPGMLIB. If this default profile does not exist it will automatically be created. |
The job description used by the LANSA installation. The default value, *DFT, uses the program library prefix with the suffix JOBD. For example, ABCJOBD. |
The Listener subsystem. The default value, *DFT, uses the LANSA program library. |
The Listener job description. The default value, *DFT, uses the program library prefix with the suffix LISTJD. For example, ABCLISTJD. |
The Listener job queue. The default value, *DFT, uses the program library prefix with the suffix LISTJQ. For example, ABCLISTJQ. |
The default connection port for the listener is 4545. Port number must be five characters long. |
The LANSA communications sub-directory. The default value, *DFT, is /connect below the LANSA root directory. For example, /LANSA_dcxpgmlib/connect. |