OLEType Property

Microsoft Access Visual Basic

OLEType Property


You can use the OLEType property to determine if a control contains an OLE object, and, if so, whether the object is linked or embedded. Read/write Byte.


expression   Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


The OLEType property uses the following settings.

Setting Constant Description
Linked acOLELinked  The control contains a linked object. All the object's data is managed by the application that created it.
Embedded acOLEEmbedded  The control contains an embedded object. All the object's data is managed by Microsoft Access.
None acOLENone The control doesn't contain an OLE object.
When creating an OLE object, use the OLETypeAllowed property to determine what type of object a control can contain.


The following example illustrates how to display the Insert Object dialog box and how to display an error message if the Cancel button in the Insert Object dialog box is clicked.

Sub InsertObject_Click()
    Dim conUserCancelled As Integer

    ' Error message returned when user cancels.
    conUserCancelled = 2001
    On Error GoTo ButtonErr
    If OLE1.OLEType = acOLENone Then
        ' No OLE object created.
        ' Display Insert Object dialog box.
        OLE1.Action = acOLEInsertObjDlg
    End If
    Exit Sub

    If Err = conUserCancelled Then ' Display message.
        MsgBox "You clicked the Cancel button; " _
            & "no object was created."
    End If
    Resume Next
End Sub