FullPath Property

Microsoft Access Visual Basic

FullPath Property


The FullPath property returns a string containing the path and file name of the referenced type library.


expression   Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


The FullPath property is available only by using Visual Basic and is read-only.

Type libraries reside in files. The following table shows the file extensions for files that commonly contain type libraries.

File extension Type of file
.olb, .tlb Type library file
.adp, .ade, .mdb, .mda, .mde Database
.exe, .dll Executable file
.ocx ActiveX control

If the IsBroken property setting of a Reference object is True, reading the FullPath property generates an error.


The following example prints the value of the FullPath, GUID, IsBroken, Major, and Minor properties for each Reference object in the References collection:

Sub ReferenceProperties()
    Dim ref As Reference

    ' Enumerate through References collection.
    For Each ref In References
        ' Check IsBroken property.
        If ref.IsBroken = False Then
            Debug.Print "Name: ", ref.Name
            Debug.Print "FullPath: ", ref.FullPath
            Debug.Print "Version: ", ref.Major & "." & ref.Minor
            Debug.Print "GUIDs of broken references:"
            Debug.Print ref.GUID
    Next ref
End Sub