ItemLayout Property

Microsoft Access Visual Basic

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ItemLayout Property


Returns or sets an AcPrintItemLayout constant indicating whether the printer lays columns across, then down, or down, then across. Read/write.

AcPrintItemLayout can be one of these AcPrintItemLayout constants.
acPRHorizontalColumnLayout  Columns are laid across, then down. 
acPRVerticalColumnLayout  Columns are laid down, then across.


expression   Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


The following example sets a variety of printer settings for the first form in the current project.

With Forms(0).Printer

    .TopMargin = 1440
    .BottomMargin = 1440
    .LeftMargin = 1440
    .RightMargin = 1440

    .ColumnSpacing = 360
    .RowSpacing = 360

    .ColorMode = acPRCMColor
    .DataOnly = False
    .DefaultSize = False
    .ItemSizeHeight = 2880
    .ItemSizeWidth = 2880
    .ItemLayout = acPRVerticalColumnLayout
    .ItemsAcross = 6

    .Copies = 1
    .Orientation = acPRORLandscape
    .Duplex = acPRDPVertical
    .PaperBin = acPRBNAuto
    .PaperSize = acPRPSLetter
    .PrintQuality = acPRPQMedium

End With