FontSize Property

Microsoft Access Visual Basic

FontSize Property


You can use the FontSize property to specify the point size for text in the following situations:

Read/write Integer.


expression   Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


The FontSize property uses the following settings.

Setting Description
8 (Default for all reports and controls except command buttons) The text is 8-point type.
10 (Default for command buttons) The text is 10-point type.
Other sizes The text is the indicated size.

For controls on forms and reports, you can set this property by using the property sheet, a macro, or Visual Basic.

You can also set this property by clicking the Font Size box on the Formatting (Form/Report) toolbar.

You can set the default for this property by using a control's default control style or the DefaultControl method in Visual Basic.

For reports, you can set this property only in an event procedure or in a macro specified by the OnPrint event property setting.

In Visual Basic, you set the FontSize property by using a numeric expression equal to the desired size of the font. The setting for the FontSize property can be between 1 and 127, inclusive.


The following example uses the Print method to display text on a report named Report1. It uses the TextWidth and TextHeight methods to center the text vertically and horizontally.

Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, _
        FormatCount As Integer)
    Dim rpt as Report
    Dim strMessage As String
    Dim intHorSize As Integer, intVerSize As Integer

    Set rpt = Me
    strMessage = "DisplayMessage"
    With rpt
        'Set scale to pixels, and set FontName and
        'FontSize properties.
        .ScaleMode = 3
        .FontName = "Courier"
        .FontSize = 24
    End With
    ' Horizontal width.
    intHorSize = Rpt.TextWidth(strMessage)
    ' Vertical height.
    intVerSize = Rpt.TextHeight(strMessage)
    ' Calculate location of text to be displayed.
    Rpt.CurrentX = (Rpt.ScaleWidth/2) - (intHorSize/2)
    Rpt.CurrentY = (Rpt.ScaleHeight/2) - (intVerSize/2)
    ' Print text on Report object.
    Rpt.Print strMessage
End Sub