Remove Method
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Remove method as it applies to the AccessObjectProperties
collection object.
You can use the Remove method to remove an AccessObjectProperty object from the AccessObjectProperties collection of an AccessObject object.
expression Required. An expression that returns an AccessObjectProperties collection object.
Item Required Variant. An expression that specifies the position of a member of the collection referred to by the object argument. If a numeric expression, the index argument must be a number from 0 to the value of the collection's Count property minus 1. If a string expression, the index argument must be the name of a member of the collection.
Remove method as it applies to the Pages
collection object.
The Remove method removes a Page object from the Pages collection of a tab control.
expression Required. An expression that returns a Pages collection object.
Item Optional Variant. An integer that specifies the index of the Page object to be removed. The index of the Page object corresponds to the value of the PageIndex property for that Page object. If you omit this argument, the last Page object in the collection is removed.
The Pages collection is indexed beginning with zero. The leftmost page in the tab control has an index of 0, the page immediately to the right of the leftmost page has an index of 1, and so on.
You can remove a Page object from the Pages collection of a tab control only when the form is in Design view.
Remove method as it applies to the References
collection object.
The Remove method removes a Reference object from the References collection.
expression Required. An expression that returns a References collection object.
Reference Required Reference object. The Reference object that represents the reference you wish to remove.
To determine the name of the Reference object you wish to remove, check the Project/Library box in the Object Browser. The names of all references that are currently set appear there. These names correspond to the value of the Name property of a Reference object.
As it applies to the Pages object.
The following example removes pages from a tab control:
Function RemovePage() As Boolean
Dim frm As Form
Dim tbc As TabControl, pge As Page
On Error GoTo Error_RemovePage
Set frm = Forms!Form1
Set tbc = frm!TabCtl0
RemovePage = True
Exit Function
MsgBox Err & ": " & Err.Description
RemovePage = False
Resume Exit_RemovePage
End Function
As it applies to the References object.
The first of the following two functions adds a reference to the calendar control for the References collection. The second function removes the reference to the calendar control.
Function AddReference() As Boolean
Dim ref As Reference, strFile As String
On Error GoTo Error_AddReference
strFile = "C:\Windows\System\Mscal.ocx"
' Create reference to calendar control.
Set ref = References.AddFromFile(strFile)
AddReference = True
Exit Function
MsgBox Err & ": " & Err.Description
AddReference = False
Resume Exit_AddReference
End Function
Function RemoveReference() As Boolean
Dim ref As Reference
On Error GoTo Error_RemoveReference
Set ref = References!MSCAL
' Remove calendar control reference.
References.Remove ref
RemoveReference = True
Exit Function
MsgBox Err & ": " & Err.Description
RemoveReference = False
Resume Exit_RemoveReference
End Function