ExportXML Method

Microsoft Access Visual Basic

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ExportXML Method


Exports data, schema, and/or presentation information for the specified Microsoft Access object as XML files.

expression.ExportXML(ObjectType, DataSource, DataTarget, DataTransform, SchemaTarget, SchemaFormat, SchemaTransform, PresentationTarget, PresentationTransform, ImageTarget, LiveReportSource, Encoding, OtherFlags)

expression   Required. An expression that returns an Application object.

ObjectType  Required AcExportXMLObjectType. The type of Access object to export.

AcExportXMLObjectType can be one of these AcExportXMLObjectType constants.

DataSource  Required String. The name of the Access object to export. The default is the currently open object of the type specified by ObjectType.

DataTarget  Optional String. The file name and path for the exported data. If this argument is omitted, data is not exported.

DataTransform  Optional String. The name of the XSL file to apply to the data before it is written to the target file.

SchemaTarget  Optional String. The file name and path for the exported schema information. If this argument is omitted, schema information is embedded in the data document.

SchemaFormat  Optional AcExportXMLSchemaFormat. The format in which schema information is exported.

AcExportXMLSchemaFormat can be one of these AcExportXMLSchemaFormat constants.
acSchemaNone default

SchemaTransform  Optional String. The name of the XSL file to apply to the schema information before it is written to the target file.

PresentationTarget  Optional String. The file name and path for the exported presentation information. If this argument is omitted, presentation information is not exported.

PresentationTransform  Optional String. The name of the XSL file to apply to the presentation information before it is written to the target file.

ImageTarget  Optional String. The path for exported images. If this argument is omitted, images are not exported.

LiveReportSource  Optional String. Connection information for a report containing live data. This may be a reference to an .odc file or an XMLSQL request. This argument is ignored if ObjectType is not acExportReport.

Encoding  Optional AcExportXMLEncoding. The text encoding to use for the exported XML.

AcExportXMLEncoding can be one of these AcExportXMLEncoding constants.
acUTF8 default

OtherFlags  Optional Long. A bit mask which specifies other behaviors associated with exporting to XML. The following table describes the behavior that results from specific values; values can be added to specify a combination of behaviors.

Value Description
1 Related tables  Includes the "many" tables for the object specified by DataSource.
2 Relational properties  Creates relational schema properties.
4 Run from server  Creates an ASP wrapper; otherwise, default is an HTML wrapper. Only applies when exporting reports.
8 Special properties  Creates extended property schema properties.


When the ExportXML method is called from within an Access object, the default behavior is to overwrite any existing files specified in any of the arguments. When the ExportXML method is called from within a data access page, the default behavior is to prompt the user before overwriting any existing files specified in any of the arguments.


The following example exports the table called Customers in the current database as XML. The data and schema are exported as separate files, and the schema is in XSD format. Existing files are overwritten.

Application.ExportXML _
    ObjectType:=acExportTable, _
    DataSource:="Customers", _
    DataTarget:="Customers.xml", _
    SchemaTarget:="CustomersSchema.xml", _
    SchemaFormat:=acSchemaXSD, _