CurrentView Property

Microsoft Access Visual Basic

CurrentView Property


CurrentView property as it applies to the AccessObject object.

Returns the current view for the specified Microsoft Access object. Read-only AcCurrentView.

AcCurrentView can be one of these AcCurrentView constants.


expression   Required. An expression that returns an AccessObject object.

CurrentView property as it applies to the DataAccessPage object.

You can use the CurrentView property to determine how a data access page is currently displayed. Read-only Integer.


expression   Required. An expression that returns a DataAccessPage object.

CurrentView property as it applies to the Form object.

You can use the CurrentView property to determine how a form is currently displayed. Read/write Integer.


expression   Required. An expression that returns a Form object.


The CurrentView property uses the following settings.

Setting Form Displayed In: Data Access Page Displayed In:
0 Design view Design view
1 Form view Page view
2 Datasheet view Not applicable
This property is available only by using a macro or Visual Basic and is read-only in all views.


Use this property to perform different tasks depending on the current view. For example, an event procedure could determine which view the form is displayed in and perform one task if the form is displayed in Form view or another task if it's displayed in Datasheet view.


The following example uses the GetCurrentView subroutine to determine whether a form is in Form or Datasheet view. If it's in Form view, a message to the user is displayed in a text box on the form; if it's in Datasheet view, the same message is displayed in a message box.

GetCurrentView Me, "Please contact system administrator."

Sub GetCurrentView(frm As Form, strDisplayMsg As String)
    Const conFormView = 1
    Const conDataSheet = 2
    Dim intView As Integer
    intView = frm.CurrentView
    Select Case intView
        Case conFormView
            ' Display message in text box.
            frm!MessageTextBox = strDisplayMsg
        Case conDataSheet
            ' Display message in message box.
            MsgBox strDisplayMsg
    End Select
End Sub