SetHiddenAttribute Method
The SetHiddenAttribute method sets the hidden attribute of an Access object.
expression.SetHiddenAttribute(ObjectType, ObjectName, fHidden)
expression Required. An expression that returns an Application object.
ObjectType Required AcObjectType. You must enter a constant for the ObjectType argument; acDefault is not a valid entry.
AcObjectType can be one of these AcObjectType constants. |
acDataAccessPage |
acDefault |
acDiagram |
acForm |
acFunction |
acMacro |
acModule |
acQuery |
acReport |
acServerView |
acStoredProcedure |
acTable |
ObjectName Required String. A string expression identifying the name of the Access object.
fHidden Required Boolean. True sets the hidden attribute and False clears the attribute.
Together with the GetHiddenAttribute method, the SetHiddenAttribute method provides a means of changing an object's visibility from Visual Basic code. With these methods, you can set or read the Hidden property available in the object's Properties dialog box.
To set this option by using the SetHiddenAttribute method, specify True or False for the setting, as in the following example.
Application.SetHiddenAttribute acTable,"Customers", True