Edit ISO file


Edit an Existing ISO File

  • Open ISO File

       Opening an existing ISO Image.

       Choose 'File'->'Open' from main menu, or click , this will open the "Open ISO File" dialog box, select an ISO file and click the "Open" button.

 Or set disk path in "Local Dir:", then double click on filename.

  • Extract from ISO image

Extracting files from the ISO Image.

Select and set the  destination location in "Local dir:", then select files and folders  from the "Image Dir:" list, and press F4 or click to extract.

Or select files and folders in "ISO File" list and drag them to "Local Directory" or "Local File" then drop.

  • Add Files and Folders

        To add files and or folders to your ISO image.

Set the destination ISO location in "Image Dir:", then press F3, or select files and folders from "Local Dir" list, and click to add.

Or select files and folders from "Local Dir:" and drag them to "Image Dir:" or "ISO File" then drop.

  • Edit ISO Image content

To change the contents or location of files and folders within your ISO Image by popup menu, such as new folder creation, rename or delete an item.

You can also use the buttons above the ISO image file, click to create new folders; or select files/folders, then press 'Delete' key or click to delete the files/folders.  Rename files/folders by pressing F2 key or clicking the rename icon.

To move files/folders, simply select files, and Drag to the new destination folder then drop.

  • Save ISO File

Saving the ISO Image.

Choose 'File'->'Save' from main menu, or click to save current ISO file. If it's newly created one, you need to enter the ISO filename.

You may also choose 'File'->'Save As' from main menu, or click to save as a new or different ISO filename.

  • Exit

Choose 'File'->'Exit' from main menu, or click on "Main Window" to exit this program.


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