TRpgHero Properties


TRpgHero Properties


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Name Type Description
name string The hero's name
charClass string The hero's class (listed as "degree" in RPG Maker)
level byte The hero's current level
exp integer The hero's total EXP
hp integer The hero's current HP
mp integer The hero's current MP
maxHp integer The hero's maximum HP
maxMp integer The hero's maximum MP
stat array[1..4] of smallint Array containing the hero's primary statistics.  They can be accessed through this array, or individually by name: attack, defense, mind, agility
attack smallint The hero's total attackpower.  Corresponds to stat[1]
defense smallint The hero's total defensive power.  Corresponds to stat[2]
mind smallint The hero's mental strength.   Affects magical attack and defense. Corresponds to stat[3]
agility smallint The hero's quickness and dexterity.  Affects the chance to hit and to dodge attacks.  Corresponds to stat[4]
equipment array[1..5] of word Array of numbers referring to the ID of the items the hero currently has equipped.  A 0 means an unequipped slot.  Slots 1-5 correspond to: weapon, shield or second weapon, armor, helmet, miscellaneous item.
skill array of boolean Array of boolean values, one for each skill defined in the database, signifying whether the hero knows that skill or not.
condition array of boolean Array of boolean values, one for each condition defined in the database, signifying whether the hero is afflicted by that condition or not.

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