FlashScreen routine


FlashScreen routine


Flashes the screen a certain color.




procedure flashScreen(r, g, b, power: byte; duration: cardinal; wait: boolean);




This routine causes a flash to appear, briefly shading the entire map, then fading.  The first four parameters represent color values, and can be anywhere from 0-255.  The r, g, and b parameters refer to the red, green and blue components of the flash.  The power parameter refers to the initial opacity of the flash.  The flash color will appear on-screen immediately, then gradually fade out (become more transparent) over a period of duration miliseconds.  If true is passed to the wait parameter, the script's execution will pause until the flash has faded completely.

This routine only flashes the map and the characters and events on it.  Menus and message boxes aren't included.

NOTE:  The routine uses different code than the setScreenTone routine uses.  A screen tone and a flash can be on-screen at the same time.  If so, the flash is drawn on top of the already-shaded screen.


Related topics

setScreenTone routine


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