ShowChoice routine


ShowChoice routine


Shows a choice in the message box.




function showChoice(input: string; handler: byte): integer;




The showChoice routine displays the message box and asks the user to select from the options presented in input.  The return value is the number of the option that the player chose.  The value of handler determines how the routine handles the user pressing the Cancel button.  If handler is 0, then Cancel has no effect.  1..4 causes Cancel to return that value.  5 or higher causes Cancel to return a -1.

NOTE: This routine, in its current implementation, is designed to work around a few obscure quirks in RPG Maker's choice handler and still always translate properly.  It uses strange characters and syntax, and it is not recommended for script writers to attempt to write their own showChoice calls until after the Project Importer is finished.


Related Topics

showMessage routine

inputNumber routine


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