MessageOptions routine


MessageOptions routine


Sets display options for the in-game message box.




procedure messageOptions(const transparent: boolean; const position: TMboxLocation; const dontHideHero: boolean; const continueEvents: boolean);




The messageOptions routine sets the options for the message box.  If transparent is true, then the box will not be drawn on the screen; only the message will.  The position parameter defines which third of the screen the message box displays in.  If dontHideHero is true, the location in position will be temporarily overriden if the message box would cover up the current party.

The continueEvents parameter is not yet implemented.  When parallel events are implemented, if a message box opens while continueEvents is set to false, all parallel events currently running will be paused until the box closes.


Related Topics

showMessage routine

setPortrait routine

clearPortrait routine


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