_ISkypeEvents Member List
This is the complete list of members for _ISkypeEvents, including all inherited members.
ApplicationConnecting([in] IApplication *pApp,[in] IUserCollection *pUsers) | _ISkypeEvents | |
ApplicationDatagram([in] IApplication *pApp,[in] IApplicationStream *pStream,[in] BSTR Text) | _ISkypeEvents | |
ApplicationReceiving([in] IApplication *pApp,[in] IApplicationStreamCollection *pStreams) | _ISkypeEvents | |
ApplicationSending([in] IApplication *pApp,[in] IApplicationStreamCollection *pStreams) | _ISkypeEvents | |
ApplicationStreams([in] IApplication *pApp,[in] IApplicationStreamCollection *pStreams) | _ISkypeEvents | |
AsyncSearchUsersFinished([in] LONG Cookie,[in] IUserCollection *pUsers) | _ISkypeEvents | |
AttachmentStatus([in] TAttachmentStatus Status) | _ISkypeEvents | |
AutoAway([in] VARIANT_BOOL Automatic) | _ISkypeEvents | |
CallDtmfReceived([in] ICall *pCall,[in] BSTR Code) | _ISkypeEvents | |
CallHistory() | _ISkypeEvents | |
CallInputStatusChanged([in] ICall *pCall,[in] VARIANT_BOOL Status) | _ISkypeEvents | |
CallSeenStatusChanged([in] ICall *pCall, VARIANT_BOOL Status) | _ISkypeEvents | |
CallStatus([in] ICall *pCall,[in] TCallStatus Status) | _ISkypeEvents | |
CallTransferStatusChanged([in] ICall *pCall,[in] TCallStatus Status) | _ISkypeEvents | |
CallVideoReceiveStatusChanged([in] ICall *pCall,[in] TCallVideoSendStatus Status) | _ISkypeEvents | |
CallVideoSendStatusChanged([in] ICall *pCall,[in] TCallVideoSendStatus Status) | _ISkypeEvents | |
CallVideoStatusChanged([in] ICall *pCall,[in] TCallVideoStatus Status) | _ISkypeEvents | |
ChatMemberRoleChanged([in] IChatMember *pMember,[in] TChatMemberRole Role) | _ISkypeEvents | |
ChatMembersChanged([in] IChat *pChat,[in] IUserCollection *pMembers) | _ISkypeEvents | |
Command([in] ICommand *pCommand) | _ISkypeEvents | |
ConnectionStatus([in] TConnectionStatus Status) | _ISkypeEvents | |
ContactsFocused([in] BSTR Username) | _ISkypeEvents | |
Error([in] ICommand *pCommand,[in] LONG Number,[in] BSTR Description) | _ISkypeEvents | |
FileTransferStatusChanged([in] IFileTransfer *pTransfer,[in] TFileTransferStatus Status) | _ISkypeEvents | |
GroupDeleted([in] LONG GroupId) | _ISkypeEvents | |
GroupExpanded([in] IGroup *pGroup,[in] VARIANT_BOOL Expanded) | _ISkypeEvents | |
GroupUsers([in] IGroup *pGroup,[in] IUserCollection *pUsers) | _ISkypeEvents | |
GroupVisible([in] IGroup *pGroup,[in] VARIANT_BOOL Visible) | _ISkypeEvents | |
MessageHistory([in] BSTR Username) | _ISkypeEvents | |
MessageStatus([in] IChatMessage *pMessage,[in] TChatMessageStatus Status) | _ISkypeEvents | |
Mute([in] VARIANT_BOOL Mute) | _ISkypeEvents | |
OnlineStatus([in] IUser *pUser,[in] TOnlineStatus Status) | _ISkypeEvents | |
PluginEventClicked([in] IPluginEvent *pEvent) | _ISkypeEvents | |
PluginMenuItemClicked([in] IPluginMenuItem *pMenuItem,[in] IUserCollection *pUsers,[in] TPluginContext PluginContext,[in] BSTR ContextId) | _ISkypeEvents | |
Reply([in] ICommand *pCommand) | _ISkypeEvents | |
SilentModeStatusChanged([in] VARIANT_BOOL Silent) | _ISkypeEvents | |
SmsMessageStatusChanged([in] ISmsMessage *pMessage,[in] TSmsMessageStatus Status) | _ISkypeEvents | |
SmsTargetStatusChanged([in] ISmsTarget *pTarget,[in] TSmsTargetStatus Status) | _ISkypeEvents | |
UILanguageChanged([in] BSTR Code) | _ISkypeEvents | |
UserAuthorizationRequestReceived([in] IUser *pUser) | _ISkypeEvents | |
UserMood([in] IUser *pUser,[in] BSTR MoodText) | _ISkypeEvents | |
UserStatus([in] TUserStatus Status) | _ISkypeEvents | |
VoicemailStatus([in] IVoicemail *pMail,[in] TVoicemailStatus Status) | _ISkypeEvents | |
WallpaperChanged([in] BSTR Path) | _ISkypeEvents |
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