STM8L15x Standard Peripherals Drivers: EXTI_Exported_Types

STM8L15x/16x Standard Peripherals Drivers

STM8L15x Standard Peripherals Drivers




EXTI halfPort possible values Values are coded as following:

  • Bit 7: 0 => the half port is in EXTI_CONF1 register 1 => the half port is in EXTI_CONF2 register
  • Bits[6:0] => the half port selection mask.

EXTI Port possible values Values are coded in 0xXY format where X: the register index X = 0: EXTI_CR3 X = 1: EXTI_CR4 Y: the number of shift to be performed.


EXTI PinNum possible values Values are coded in 0xXY format where X: the register index X = 0: EXTI_CR1 X = 1: EXTI_CR2 Y: the number of shift to be performed.


EXTI IT pending bit possible values Values are coded in 0xXY format where X: the register index X = 00: EXTI_SR1 X = 01: EXTI_SR2 Y: the IT pending bit mask.

STM8S Firmware Library: Overview




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