Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- g -
- g : sf::Color
- Get : sf::Http::Http::Request
- Get4x4Elements() : sf::Matrix3
- GetAttenuation() : sf::Sound
- GetBlendMode() : sf::Drawable
- GetBody() : sf::Http::Http::Response
- GetBuffer() : sf::SoundBufferRecorder , sf::Sound
- GetCenter() : sf::Drawable , sf::View
- GetChannelsCount() : sf::SoundBuffer , sf::SoundStream
- GetCharacterPos() : sf::String
- GetCharacterSize() : sf::Font
- GetColor() : sf::Drawable
- GetCount() : sf::Ftp::Ftp::ListingResponse
- GetData() : sf::Packet
- GetDataSize() : sf::Packet
- GetDefaultFont() : sf::Font
- GetDefaultView() : sf::RenderTarget
- GetDesktopMode() : sf::VideoMode
- GetDirectory() : sf::Ftp::Ftp::DirectoryResponse
- GetDirectoryListing() : sf::Ftp
- GetDuration() : sf::Music , sf::SoundBuffer
- GetElapsedTime() : sf::Clock
- GetErrorStatus() : sf::SocketHelper
- GetEvent() : sf::Window
- GetField() : sf::Http::Http::Response
- GetFilename() : sf::Ftp::Ftp::ListingResponse
- GetFont() : sf::String
- GetFrameTime() : sf::Window
- GetGlobal() : sf::Context
- GetGlobalVolume() : sf::Listener
- GetGlyph() : sf::Font
- GetHalfSize() : sf::View
- GetHeight() : sf::Image , sf::Rect< T > , sf::RenderTarget , sf::RenderWindow , sf::Window
- GetImage() : sf::Font , sf::Sprite
- GetInput() : sf::Window
- GetInverse() : sf::Matrix3
- GetInverseMatrix() : sf::Drawable
- GetJoystickAxis() : sf::Input
- GetLocalAddress() : sf::IPAddress
- GetLoop() : sf::Sound , sf::SoundStream
- GetMajorHttpVersion() : sf::Http::Http::Response
- GetMatrix() : sf::Drawable
- GetMessage() : sf::Ftp::Ftp::Response
- GetMinDistance() : sf::Sound
- GetMinorHttpVersion() : sf::Http::Http::Response
- GetMode() : sf::VideoMode
- GetModesCount() : sf::VideoMode
- GetMouseX() : sf::Input
- GetMouseY() : sf::Input
- GetNbPoints() : sf::Shape
- GetOutlineWidth() : sf::Shape
- GetPitch() : sf::Sound
- GetPixel() : sf::Sprite , sf::Image
- GetPixelsPtr() : sf::Image
- GetPlayingOffset() : sf::Sound , sf::SoundStream
- GetPointColor() : sf::Shape
- GetPointOutlineColor() : sf::Shape
- GetPointPosition() : sf::Shape
- GetPort() : sf::SocketUDP
- GetPosition() : sf::Listener , sf::Sound , sf::Drawable
- GetPublicAddress() : sf::IPAddress
- GetRect() : sf::String , sf::View
- GetRotation() : sf::Drawable
- GetSampleRate() : sf::SoundRecorder , sf::SoundStream , sf::SoundBuffer
- GetSamples() : sf::SoundBuffer
- GetSamplesCount() : sf::SoundBuffer
- GetScale() : sf::Drawable
- GetSeed() : sf::Randomizer
- GetSettings() : sf::Window
- GetSize() : sf::String , sf::Sprite
- GetSocketReady() : sf::SelectorBase , sf::Selector< Type >
- GetStatus() : sf::SoundStream , sf::Ftp::Ftp::Response , sf::Http::Http::Response , sf::Sound
- GetStyle() : sf::String
- GetSubRect() : sf::Sprite
- GetTarget() : sf::Listener
- GetTexCoords() : sf::Image
- GetText() : sf::String
- GetUTF16Length() : sf::Unicode
- GetUTF32Length() : sf::Unicode
- GetUTF8Length() : sf::Unicode
- GetValidTextureSize() : sf::Image
- GetView() : sf::RenderTarget
- GetVolume() : sf::Sound
- GetWidth() : sf::Window , sf::Rect< T > , sf::Image , sf::RenderWindow , sf::RenderTarget
- GetWorkingDirectory() : sf::Ftp
- Glyph() : sf::Glyph
- Green : sf::Color
:: Copyright © 2007-2008 Laurent Gomila, all rights reserved :: Documentation generated by doxygen 1.5.2 ::