Demonstration Oska Keyboards
Oska comes with some keyboards pre-made for you, which can be used on their own or as templates for editing or creating your own keyboards.
To check out the keyboards, start Oska Keyboard from the Windows Start menu, then right-click on the Oska Keyboard when it loads and select "Load". Choose one of the keyboard .xml files from the Keyboards folder to try. Note that you may have to go into Oska Settings Editor first to change the input method to get the best use of the keyboard.
- UK, Svensk and US
- These are individual standard UK, Swedish and US keyboard layouts. They can be used with most input methods. They demonstrate normal input, shift and control keys, and user-definable keys (the key with the A image). They are useful for combining with one of the Oska Input Devices.
- katakana and hiragana
- These demonstrate non-English character support, linking keyboards together (the key with the N key image), launching applications, speech, and opening to web pages.
- Switch
- This shows a simple but colourful keyboard with speech, as might be created as a simple communication aid. It can be combined with Gamepad input and Switch input.
- UK 9x9
- This is a keyboard designed for use with the number keypad or Gamepad input devices, so you should select one of these in the Settings Editor.
- UK Mouthstick and Headpointer
- This is designed for use on a touchscreen by someone using a physical rod to hit the screen to press buttons.
- Other keyboard .xml files
- There are many other keyboards in the folders with English words, phrases, activities and other examples of how you might use keyboards to help learning and development or communication.