Controls/Indicators for Simulated Acquisition

NI Vision Acquisition Express VI

Controls/Indicators for Simulated Acquisition

In the Select Controls/Indicators step of the NI Vision Acquisition Express Wizard, specify the controls and indicators that will be available on the Express VI based on the type of device used.


If you are performing a Simulated Acquisition, the following controls may be available based on your acquisition settings:

Control Description
Stop (F) Stops the acquisition. This is a required control when performing a continuous acquisition.
AVI Path The filepath for the AVI file to read. This control is only available if you select AVI as the simulated acquisition source. This is a Setup Settings control that only applies the first time the VI is called.
Image Path The complete filepath for the image file. This control is only available if you select Folder of Images as the simulated acquisition source. This is a Setup Settings control that only applies the first time the VI is called.
Cycle Through Folder Cycles through a folder of images. This is a Setup Settings control that only applies the first time the VI is called and when a folder of images is the acquisition source.
Number of Image Buffers Specifies the number of internal buffers into which image data will be acquired. This is a Setup Settings control that is only available the first time the VI is called.


If you are performing a Simulated Acquisition, the following indicators may be available based on your acquisition settings:

Indicator Description
All Image Buffers Out An array of images allocated by the VI that you can dispose of when the images are no longer in use. This indicator is available when Continuous Acquisition with Acquire Every Image or Finite Acquisition with Inline Processing is selected as the acquisition type. This is a required indicator.
Stopped This indicator is used to stop a continuous acquisition. It is only available when you are doing a continuous acquisition. This is a required indicator.
Image Out The reference to the acquired image. This is a required indicator.
Image Number 0-based indicator of how many images have been acquired. This is an optional indicator.
Total Images Transferred 1-based indicator of the total number of images acquired since the beginning of the acquisition. This is an optional indicator.
Lost Image Count Returns the total number of lost frames in a continuous acquisition. The value increments by 1 each time images are lost. This is an optional indicator.
Frame Rate The rate of images acquired in frames per second. This is an optional indicator.