
NI Vision for LabWindows/CVI Function



int imaqZoomWindow2(int windowNumber, float xZoom, float yZoom, Point center);


Sets the current zoom factors for a given image window. The zoom factor indicates an increase or decrease in the magnification of an image and this value is expressed as a ratio of the image size. A number greater than 1 indicates a magnification by the amount specified. For example, a zoom factor of 3 indicates that the image is displayed at three times its actual size (3:1). A number less than 1 indicates that the image is decreased in magnification by the specified amount. For example, a zoom factor of 0.2 indicates that the image is displayed at one-fifth its actual size (1:5).





windowNumber int The window number of the image window.
xZoom float The zoom factor for the x direction. Set xZoom to zero to maintain the current zoom factor for the x direction.
yZoom float The zoom factor for the y direction. Set yZoom to zero to maintain the current zoom factor for the y direction.
center Point The center point around which to zoom. Set this parameter to IMAQ_NO_POINT to maintain the current center point.

Return Value



int On success, this function returns a non-zero value. On failure, this function returns 0. To get extended error information, call imaqGetLastError().