Binary Processing Functions

NI Vision for LabWindows/CVI Function

Binary Processing Functions

The following functions are available only with a licensed version of NI Vision.

Use Binary Processing functions on binary and labeled images for applications in which the size, number, or shape of the objects in the image are important. Binary images have only two pixel values, unless you label the image.

Note  Apply a threshold to a grayscale image to make an image binary. For more information about thresholding an image, refer to imaqThreshold() in the Grayscale Processing section.

The following table lists the Binary Processing functions. The functions in the Binary Processing class are grouped according to the types of operations they perform. The first column contains the name of the class. The second column contains names of function subclasses. The third column contains names of individual function panels. Each Binary Processing function panel represents one function.

Morphology Functions

The following functions are available only with a licensed version of NI Vision.

Morphology functions allow you to apply standard morphological transformations, such as dilations and erosions.

Class Subclass LabWindows/CVI Equivalent Function Name
Binary ProcessingMorphologyConvex HullimaqConvexHull
Binary ProcessingMorphologyDanielsson DistanceimaqDanielssonDistance
Binary ProcessingMorphologyFill HolesimaqFillHoles
Binary ProcessingMorphologyFind CirclesimaqFindCircles
Binary ProcessingMorphologyLabel2imaqLabel2
Binary ProcessingMorphologyMorphologyimaqMorphology
Binary ProcessingMorphologyReject BorderimaqRejectBorder
Binary ProcessingMorphologySegmentationimaqSegmentation
Binary ProcessingMorphologySeparationimaqSeparation
Binary ProcessingMorphologySimple DistanceimaqSimpleDistance
Binary ProcessingMorphologySize FilterimaqSizeFilter
Binary ProcessingMorphologySkeletonimaqSkeleton

Particle Analysis Functions

The following functions are available only with a licensed version of NI Vision.

Particle Analysis functions allow you to calculate information about particles in an image and select particles using the information.

Class Subclass LabWindows/CVI Equivalent Function Name
Binary ProcessingParticle AnalysisCount ParticlesimaqCountParticles
Binary ProcessingParticle AnalysisMeasure ParticleimaqMeasureParticle
Binary ProcessingParticle AnalysisParticle Filter 4imaqParticleFilter4

Shape Matching Functions

The following functions are available only with a licensed version of NI Vision.

Shape Matching functions allow you to find shapes in an image.

Class Subclass LabWindows/CVI Equivalent Function Name
Binary ProcessingShape MatchingMatch ShapeimaqMatchShape