ClassifierReport* imaqClassify(Image* image, const ClassifierSession* session, const ROI* roi, double* featureVector, unsigned int vectorSize);
Classifies an image or feature vector.
Image Types Supported
image | Image* | The image to classify. |
session | const ClassifierSession* | The classifier session to use. |
roi | const ROI* | The ROI around the item to classify. Each contour of roi must be a rectangle, rotated rectangle, oval, annulus, or closed contour. Set this parameter to NULL to classify the entire image. |
featureVector | double* | The feature vector to classify. Use this parameter only when you are using a custom classifier. For any other type of classifier, set this parameter to NULL. |
vectorSize | unsigned int | The number of elements in featureVector. Use this parameter only when you are using a custom classifier. For any other type of classifier, set this parameter to 0. All feature vectors classified by a custom classifier must be the same size as the samples it contains |
Return Value
Type |
Description |
ClassifierReport* | On success, this function returns a report containing the results of the classification. On failure, this function returns NULL. To get extended error information, call imaqGetLastError(). When you are finished with the return value, dispose of the information by calling imaqDispose(). |