
NI Vision for LabWindows/CVI Function



int imaqAddClassifierSample(Image* image, ClassifierSession* session, const ROI* roi, const char* sampleClass, double* featureVector, unsigned int vectorSize);


Adds a sample to a classifier. To add a sample to a custom classification session, use the featureVector and vectorSize parameters. To add a sample to any other type of classification session, use the image parameter.

Image Types Supported






image Image* The image to add to the classifier. This parameter is optional if you are adding a sample to a custom classification session.
session ClassifierSession* The classifier session to use.
roi const ROI* The ROI containing the sample to add. Each contour of roi must be a rectangle, rotated rectangle, oval, annulus, or closed contour. Set this parameter to NULL to add the entire image.
sampleClass const char* The class to which this sample belongs.
featureVector double* The feature vector to add to the classifier. Use this parameter only when you are using a custom classifier. For any other type of classifier, set this parameter to NULL.
vectorSize unsigned int The number of elements in featureVector. Use this parameter only when you are using a custom classifier. For any other type of classifier, set this parameter to 0.

Return Value



int On success, this function returns a non-zero value. On failure, this function returns 0. To get extended error information, call imaqGetLastError().