Error Codes

NI Vision for LabWindows/CVI Function

Error Codes

NI Vision can return the following error codes.

-1074396160ERR_SYSTEM_ERRORSystem error.
-1074396159ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORYNot enough memory for requested operation.
-1074396158ERR_MEMORY_ERROR Memory error.
-1074396157ERR_UNREGISTEREDUnlicensed copy of NI Vision.
-1074396156ERR_NEED_FULL_VERSIONThe function requires an NI Vision 5.0 Advanced license.
-1074396155ERR_UNINITNI Vision did not initialize properly.
-1074396154ERR_IMAGE_TOO_SMALLThe image is not large enough for the operation.
-1074396153ERR_BARCODE_CODABARThe barcode is not a valid Codabar barcode.
-1074396152ERR_BARCODE_CODE39The barcode is not a valid Code 3 of 9 barcode.
-1074396151ERR_BARCODE_CODE93The barcode is not a valid Code93 barcode.
-1074396150ERR_BARCODE_CODE128The barcode is not a valid Code128 barcode.
-1074396149ERR_BARCODE_EAN8The barcode is not a valid EAN8 barcode.
-1074396148ERR_BARCODE_EAN13The barcode is not a valid EAN13 barcode.
-1074396147ERR_BARCODE_I25The barcode is not a valid Interleaved 2 of 5 barcode.
-1074396146ERR_BARCODE_MSIThe barcode is not a valid MSI barcode.
-1074396145ERR_BARCODE_UPCAThe barcode is not a valid UPCA barcode.
-1074396144ERR_BARCODE_CODE93_SHIFTThe Code93 barcode contains invalid shift encoding.
-1074396143ERR_BARCODE_TYPEThe barcode type is invalid.
-1074396142ERR_BARCODE_INVALIDThe image does not represent a valid linear barcode.
-1074396141ERR_BARCODE_CODE128_FNCThe FNC value in the Code128 barcode is not located before the first data value.
-1074396140ERR_BARCODE_CODE128_SETThe starting code set in the Code128 barcode is not valid.
-1074396139ERR_ROLLBACK_RESOURCE_OUT_OF_MEMORYNot enough reserved memory in the timed environment for the requested operation.
-1074396138ERR_ROLLBACK_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe function is not supported when a time limit is active.
-1074396137ERR_DIRECTX_DLL_NOT_FOUNDQuartz.dll not found. Install DirectX 8.1 or later.
-1074396136ERR_DIRECTX_INVALID_FILTER_QUALITYThe filter quality you provided is invalid. Valid quality values range from -1 to 1000.
-1074396135ERR_INVALID_BUTTON_LABELInvalid button label.
-1074396134ERR_THREAD_INITIALIZINGCould not execute the function in the separate thread because the thread has not completed initialization.
-1074396133ERR_THREAD_COULD_NOT_INITIALIZECould not execute the function in the separate thread because the thread could not initialize.
-1074396132ERR_MASK_NOT_TEMPLATE_SIZEThe mask must be the same size as the template.
-1074396130ERR_NOT_RECT_OR_ROTATED_RECTThe ROI must only have either a single Rectangle contour or a single Rotated Rectangle contour.
-1074396129ERR_ROLLBACK_UNBOUNDED_INTERFACEDuring timed execution, you must use the preallocated version of this operation.
-1074396128ERR_ROLLBACK_RESOURCE_CONFLICT_3An image being modified by one process cannot be requested by another process while a time limit is active.
-1074396127ERR_ROLLBACK_RESOURCE_CONFLICT_2An image with pattern matching, calibration, or overlay information cannot be manipulated while a time limit is active.
-1074396126ERR_ROLLBACK_RESOURCE_CONFLICT_1An image created before a time limit is started cannot be resized while a time limit is active.
-1074396125ERR_INVALID_CONTRAST_THRESHOLDInvalid contrast threshold. The threshold value must be greater than 0.
-1074396124ERR_INVALID_CALIBRATION_ROI_MODENI Vision does not support the calibration ROI mode you supplied.
-1074396123ERR_INVALID_CALIBRATION_MODENI Vision does not support the calibration mode you supplied.
-1074396122ERR_DRAWTEXT_COLOR_MUST_BE_GRAYSCALESet the foreground and background text colors to grayscale to draw on a U8 image.
-1074396121ERR_SATURATION_THRESHOLD_OUT_OF_RANGEThe value of the saturation threshold must be from 0 to 255.
-1074396120ERR_NOT_IMAGE Not an image.
-1074396119ERR_CUSTOMDATA_INVALID_KEYThey custom data key you supplied is invalid. The only valid character values are decimal 32-126 and 161-255. There must also be no repeated, leading, or trailing spaces.
-1074396118ERR_INVALID_STEP_SIZEStep size must be greater than zero.
-1074396117ERR_MATRIX_SIZEInvalid matrix size in the structuring element.
-1074396116ERR_CALIBRATION_INSF_POINTSInsufficient number of calibration feature points.
-1074396115ERR_CALIBRATION_IMAGE_CORRECTEDThe operation is invalid in a corrected image.
-1074396114ERR_CALIBRATION_INVALID_ROIThe ROI contains an invalid contour type or is not contained in the ROI learned for calibration.
-1074396113ERR_CALIBRATION_IMAGE_UNCALIBRATEDThe source/input image has not been calibrated.
-1074396112ERR_INCOMP_MATRIX_SIZEThe number of pixel and real-world coordinates must be equal.
-1074396111ERR_CALIBRATION_FAILED_TO_FIND_GRIDUnable to automatically detect grid because the image is too distorted.
-1074396110ERR_CALIBRATION_INFO_VERSIONInvalid calibration information version.
-1074396109ERR_CALIBRATION_INVALID_SCALING_FACTORInvalid calibration scaling factor.
-1074396108ERR_CALIBRATION_ERRORMAPThe calibration error map cannot be computed.
-1074396107ERR_CALIBRATION_INFO_1Invalid calibration template image.
-1074396106ERR_CALIBRATION_INFO_2Invalid calibration template image.
-1074396105ERR_CALIBRATION_INFO_3Invalid calibration template image.
-1074396104ERR_CALIBRATION_INFO_4Invalid calibration template image.
-1074396103ERR_CALIBRATION_INFO_5Invalid calibration template image.
-1074396102ERR_CALIBRATION_INFO_6Invalid calibration template image.
-1074396101ERR_CALIBRATION_INFO_MICRO_PLANEInvalid calibration template image.
-1074396100ERR_CALIBRATION_INFO_PERSPECTIVE_PROJECTIONInvalid calibration template image.
-1074396099ERR_CALIBRATION_INFO_SIMPLE_TRANSFORMInvalid calibration template image.
-1074396098ERR_RESERVED_MUST_BE_NULLYou must pass NULL for the reserved parameter.
-1074396097ERR_INVALID_PARTICLE_PARAMETER_VALUEYou entered an invalid selection in the particle parameter.
-1074396096ERR_NOT_AN_OBJECTNot an object.
-1074396095ERR_CALIBRATION_DUPLICATE_REFERENCE_POINTThe reference points passed are inconsistent. At least two similar pixel coordinates correspond to different real-world coordinates.
-1074396094ERR_ROLLBACK_RESOURCE_CANNOT_UNLOCKA resource conflict occurred in the timed environment. Two processes cannot manage the same resource and be time bounded.
-1074396093ERR_ROLLBACK_RESOURCE_LOCKEDA resource conflict occurred in the timed environment. Two processes cannot access the same resource and be time bounded.
-1074396092ERR_ROLLBACK_RESOURCE_NON_EMPTY_INITIALIZEMultiple timed environments are not supported.
-1074396091ERR_ROLLBACK_RESOURCE_UNINITIALIZED_ENABLEA time limit cannot be started until the timed environment is initialized.
-1074396090ERR_ROLLBACK_RESOURCE_ENABLEDMultiple timed environments are not supported.
-1074396089ERR_ROLLBACK_RESOURCE_REINITIALIZEThe timed environment is already initialized.
-1074396088ERR_ROLLBACK_RESIZEThe results of the operation exceeded the size limits on the output data arrays.
-1074396087ERR_ROLLBACK_STOP_TIMERNo time limit is available to stop.
-1074396086ERR_ROLLBACK_START_TIMERA time limit could not be set.
-1074396085ERR_ROLLBACK_INIT_TIMERThe timed environment could not be initialized.
-1074396084ERR_ROLLBACK_DELETE_TIMERNo initialized timed environment is available to close.
-1074396083ERR_ROLLBACK_TIMEOUTThe time limit has expired.
-1074396082ERR_PALETTE_NOT_SUPPORTEDOnly 8-bit images support the use of palettes. Either do not use a palette, or convert your image to an 8-bit image before using a palette.
-1074396081ERR_BAD_PASSWORDIncorrect password.
-1074396080ERR_INVALID_IMAGE_TYPEInvalid image type.
-1074396079ERR_INVALID_METAFILE_HANDLEInvalid metafile handle.
-1074396077ERR_INCOMP_TYPEIncompatible image type.
-1074396076ERR_COORD_SYS_FIRST_AXISUnable to fit a line for the primary axis.
-1074396075ERR_COORD_SYS_SECOND_AXISUnable to fit a line for the secondary axis.
-1074396074ERR_INCOMP_SIZEIncompatible image size.
-1074396073ERR_MASK_OUTSIDE_IMAGEWhen the mask's offset was applied, the mask was entirely outside of the image.
-1074396072ERR_INVALID_BORDERInvalid image border.
-1074396071ERR_INVALID_SCAN_DIRECTIONInvalid scan direction.
-1074396070ERR_INVALID_FUNCTIONUnsupported function.
-1074396069ERR_INVALID_COLOR_MODENI Vision does not support the color mode you specified.
-1074396068ERR_INVALID_ACTIONThe function does not support the requested action.
-1074396067ERR_IMAGES_NOT_DIFFThe source image and destination image must be different.
-1074396066ERR_INVALID_POINTSYMBOLInvalid point symbol.
-1074396065ERR_CANT_RESIZE_EXTERNALCannot resize an image in an acquisition buffer.
-1074396064ERR_EXTERNAL_NOT_SUPPORTEDThis operation is not supported for images in an acquisition buffer.
-1074396063ERR_EXTERNAL_ALIGNMENTThe external buffer must be aligned on a 4-byte boundary. The line width and border pixels must be 4-byte aligned, as well.
-1074396062ERR_INVALID_TOLERANCEThe tolerance parameter must be greater than or equal to 0.
-1074396061ERR_INVALID_WINDOW_SIZEThe size of each dimension of the window must be greater than 2 and less than or equal to the size of the image in the corresponding dimension.
-1074396060ERR_JPEG2000_LOSSLESS_WITH_FLOATING_POINTLossless compression cannot be used with the floating point wavelet transform mode. Either set the wavelet transform mode to integer, or use lossy compression.
-1074396059ERR_INVALID_MAX_ITERATIONSInvalid maximum number of iterations. Maximum number of iterations must be greater than zero.
-1074396058ERR_INVALID_ROTATION_MODEInvalid rotation mode.
-1074396057ERR_INVALID_SEARCH_VECTOR_WIDTHInvalid search vector width. The width must be an odd number greater than zero.
-1074396056ERR_INVALID_MATRIX_MIRROR_MODEInvalid matrix mirror mode.
-1074396055ERR_INVALID_ASPECT_RATIOInvalid aspect ratio. Valid aspect ratios must be greater than or equal to zero.
-1074396054ERR_INVALID_CELL_FILL_TYPEInvalid cell fill type.
-1074396053ERR_INVALID_BORDER_INTEGRITYInvalid border integrity. Valid values range from 0 to 100.
-1074396052ERR_INVALID_DEMODULATION_MODEInvalid demodulation mode.
-1074396051ERR_INVALID_CELL_FILTER_MODEInvalid cell filter mode.
-1074396050ERR_INVALID_ECC_TYPEInvalid ECC type.
-1074396049ERR_INVALID_MATRIX_POLARITYInvalid matrix polarity.
-1074396048ERR_INVALID_CELL_SAMPLE_SIZEInvalid cell sample size.
-1074396047ERR_INVALID_LINEAR_AVERAGE_MODEInvalid linear average mode.
-1074396046ERR_INVALID_2D_BARCODE_CONTRAST_FOR_ROIWhen using a region of interest that is not a rectangle, you must specify the contrast mode of the barcode as either black on white or white on black.
-1074396045ERR_INVALID_2D_BARCODE_SUBTYPEInvalid 2-D barcode Data Matrix subtype.
-1074396044ERR_INVALID_2D_BARCODE_SHAPEInvalid 2-D barcode shape.
-1074396043ERR_INVALID_2D_BARCODE_CELL_SHAPEInvalid 2-D barcode cell shape.
-1074396042ERR_INVALID_2D_BARCODE_CONTRASTInvalid 2-D barcode contrast.
-1074396041ERR_INVALID_2D_BARCODE_TYPEInvalid 2-D barcode type.
-1074396040ERR_DRIVER Cannot access NI-IMAQ driver.
-1074396039ERR_IO_ERRORI/O error.
-1074396038ERR_FIND_COORDSYS_MORE_THAN_ONE_EDGEWhen searching for a coordinate system, the number of lines to fit must be 1.
-1074396037ERR_TIMEOUTTrigger timeout.
-1074396036ERR_INVALID_SKELETONMODEThe Skeleton mode you specified is invalid.
-1074396035ERR_TEMPLATEIMAGE_NOCIRCLEThe template image does not contain enough information for learning the aggressive search strategy.
-1074396034ERR_TEMPLATEIMAGE_EDGEINFOThe template image does not contain enough edge information for the sample size(s) requested.
-1074396033ERR_TEMPLATEDESCRIPTOR_LEARNSETUPDATAInvalid template descriptor.
-1074396032ERR_TEMPLATEDESCRIPTOR_ROTATION_SEARCHSTRATEGYThe template descriptor does not contain data required for the requested search strategy in rotation-invariant matching.
-1074396026ERR_INVALID_PROCESS_TYPE_FOR_EDGE_DETECTIONInvalid process type for edge detection.
-1074396025ERR_INVALID_ANGLE_RANGE_FOR_STRAIGHT_EDGEAngle range value should be equal to or greater than zero.
-1074396024ERR_INVALID_MIN_COVERAGE_FOR_STRAIGHT_EDGEMinimum coverage value should be greater than zero.
-1074396023ERR_INVALID_ANGLE_TOL_FOR_STRAIGHT_EDGEThe angle tolerance should be equal to or greater than 0.001.
-1074396022ERR_INVALID_SEARCH_MODE_FOR_STRAIGHT_EDGEInvalid search mode for detecting straight edges
-1074396021ERR_INVALID_KERNEL_SIZE_FOR_EDGE_DETECTIONInvalid kernel size for edge detection. The minimum kernel size is 3, the maximum kernel size is 1073741823 and the kernel size must be odd.
-1074396020ERR_INVALID_GRADING_MODEInvalid grading mode.
-1074396019ERR_INVALID_THRESHOLD_PERCENTAGEInvalid threshold percentage. Valid values range from 0 to 100.
-1074396018ERR_INVALID_EDGE_POLARITY_SEARCH_MODEInvalid edge polarity search mode.
-1074396017ERR_OPENING_NEWER_AIM_GRADING_DATAThe AIM grading data attached to the image you tried to open was created with a newer version of NI Vision. Upgrade to the latest version of NI Vision to read this file.
-1074396016ERR_NO_VIDEO_DRIVERNo video driver is installed.
-1074396015ERR_RPC_EXECUTE_IVBUnable to establish network connection with remote system.
-1074396014ERR_INVALID_VIDEO_BLITRT Video Out does not support displaying the supplied image type at the selected color depth.
-1074396013ERR_INVALID_VIDEO_MODEInvalid video mode.
-1074396012ERR_RPC_EXECUTEUnable to display remote image on network connection.
-1074396011ERR_RPC_BINDUnable to establish network connection.
-1074396010ERR_INVALID_FRAME_NUMBERInvalid frame number.
-1074396009ERR_DIRECTXAn internal DirectX error has occurred. Try upgrading to the latest version of DirectX.
-1074396008ERR_DIRECTX_NO_FILTERAn appropriate DirectX filter to process this file could not be found. Install the filter that was used to create this AVI. Upgrading to the latest version of DirectX may correct this error. NI Vision requires DirectX 8.1 or higher.
-1074396007ERR_DIRECTX_INCOMPATIBLE_COMPRESSION_FILTERIncompatible compression filter.
-1074396006ERR_DIRECTX_UNKNOWN_COMPRESSION_FILTERUnknown compression filter.
-1074396005ERR_INVALID_AVI_SESSIONInvalid AVI session.
-1074396004ERR_DIRECTX_CERTIFICATION_FAILUREA software key is restricting the use of this compression filter.
-1074396003ERR_AVI_DATA_EXCEEDS_BUFFER_SIZEThe data for this frame exceeds the data buffer size specified when creating the AVI file.
-1074396002ERR_INVALID_LINEGAUGEMETHODInvalid line gauge method.
-1074396001ERR_TOO_MANY_AVI_SESSIONSThere are too many AVI sessions open. You must close a session before you can open another one.
-1074396000ERR_FILE_FILE_HEADER Invalid file header.
-1074395999ERR_FILE_FILE_TYPEInvalid file type.
-1074395998ERR_FILE_COLOR_TABLEInvalid color table.
-1074395997ERR_FILE_ARGERRInvalid parameter.
-1074395996ERR_FILE_OPENFile is already open for writing.
-1074395995ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUNDFile not found.
-1074395994ERR_FILE_TOO_MANY_OPENToo many files open.
-1074395993ERR_FILE_IO_ERRFile I/O error.
-1074395992ERR_FILE_PERMISSIONFile access denied.
-1074395991ERR_FILE_INVALID_TYPENI Vision does not support the file type you specified.
-1074395990ERR_FILE_GET_INFOCould not read Vision info from file.
-1074395989ERR_FILE_READUnable to read data.
-1074395988ERR_FILE_WRITEUnable to write data.
-1074395987ERR_FILE_EOFPremature end of file.
-1074395986ERR_FILE_FORMATInvalid file format.
-1074395985ERR_FILE_OPERATIONInvalid file operation.
-1074395984ERR_FILE_INVALID_DATA_TYPENI Vision does not support the file data type you specified.
-1074395983ERR_FILE_NO_SPACEDisk full.
-1074395982ERR_INVALID_FRAMES_PER_SECONDThe frames per second in an AVI must be greater than zero.
-1074395981ERR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER_SIZEThe buffer that was passed in is not big enough to hold all of the data.
-1074395980ERR_COM_INITIALIZEError initializing COM.
-1074395979ERR_INVALID_PARTICLE_INFOThe image has invalid particle information. Call imaqCountParticles on the image to create particle information.
-1074395978ERR_INVALID_PARTICLE_NUMBERInvalid particle number.
-1074395977ERR_AVI_VERSIONThe AVI file was created in a newer version of NI Vision. Upgrade to the latest version of NI Vision to read this AVI file.
-1074395976ERR_NUMBER_OF_PALETTE_COLORSThe color palette must have exactly 0 or 256 entries.
-1074395975ERR_AVI_TIMEOUTDirectX has timed out reading or writing the AVI file. When closing an AVI file, try adding an additional delay. When reading an AVI file, try reducing CPU and disk load.
-1074395974ERR_UNSUPPORTED_JPEG2000_COLORSPACE_METHODNI Vision does not support reading JPEG2000 files with this colorspace method.
-1074395973ERR_JPEG2000_UNSUPPORTED_MULTIPLE_LAYERSNI Vision does not support reading JPEG2000 files with more than one layer.
-1074395972ERR_DIRECTX_ENUMERATE_FILTERSDirectX is unable to enumerate the compression filters. This is caused by a third-party compression filter that is either improperly installed or is preventing itself from being enumerated. Remove any recently installed compression filters and try again.
-1074395971ERR_INVALID_OFFSETThe offset you specified must be size 2.
-1074395960ERR_INIT Initialization error.
-1074395959ERR_CREATE_WINDOWUnable to create window.
-1074395958ERR_WINDOW_IDInvalid window ID.
-1074395957ERR_ARRAY_SIZE_MISMATCHThe array sizes are not compatible.
-1074395956ERR_INVALID_QUALITYThe quality you provided is invalid. Valid quality values range from -1 to 1000.
-1074395955ERR_INVALID_MAX_WAVELET_TRANSFORM_LEVELInvalid maximum wavelet transform level. Valid values range from 0 to 255.
-1074395954ERR_INVALID_QUANTIZATION_STEP_SIZEThe quantization step size must be greater than or equal to 0.
-1074395953ERR_INVALID_WAVELET_TRANSFORM_MODEInvalid wavelet transform mode.
-1074395920ERR_NUMBER_CLASS Invalid number of classes.
-1074395880ERR_PARTICLEInvalid particle.
-1074395879ERR_BAD_MEASUREInvalid measure number.
-1074395878ERR_PROP_NODE_WRITE_NOT_SUPPORTEDThe Image Display control does not support writing this property node.
-1074395877ERR_COLORMODE_REQUIRES_CHANGECOLORSPACE2The specified color mode requires the use of imaqChangeColorSpace2.
-1074395876ERR_UNSUPPORTED_COLOR_MODEThis function does not currently support the color mode you specified.
-1074395875ERR_BARCODE_PHARMACODEThe barcode is not a valid Pharmacode symbol
-1074395840ERR_BAD_INDEX Invalid handle table index.
-1074395837ERR_INVALID_COMPRESSION_RATIOThe compression ratio must be greater than or equal to 1.
-1074395801ERR_TOO_MANY_CONTOURSThe ROI contains too many contours.
-1074395800ERR_PROTECTION Protection error.
-1074395799ERR_INTERNALInternal error.
-1074395798ERR_INVALID_CUSTOM_SAMPLEThe size of the feature vector in the custom sample must match the size of those you have already added.
-1074395797ERR_INVALID_CLASSIFIER_SESSIONNot a valid classifier session.
-1074395796ERR_INVALID_KNN_METHODYou requested an invalid Nearest Neighbor classifier method.
-1074395795ERR_K_TOO_LOWThe k parameter must be greater than two.
-1074395794ERR_K_TOO_HIGHThe k parameter must be <= the number of samples in each class.
-1074395793ERR_INVALID_OPERATION_ON_COMPACT_SESSION_ATTEMPTEDThis classifier session is compact. Only the Classify and Dispose functions may be called on a compact classifier session.
-1074395792ERR_CLASSIFIER_SESSION_NOT_TRAINEDThis classifier session is not trained. You may only call this function on a trained classifier session.
-1074395791ERR_CLASSIFIER_INVALID_SESSION_TYPEThis classifier function cannot be called on this type of classifier session.
-1074395790ERR_INVALID_DISTANCE_METRICYou requested an invalid distance metric.
-1074395789ERR_OPENING_NEWER_CLASSIFIER_SESSIONThe classifier session you tried to open was created with a newer version of NI Vision. Upgrade to the latest version of NI Vision to read this file.
-1074395788ERR_NO_SAMPLESThis operation cannot be performed because you have not added any samples.
-1074395787ERR_INVALID_CLASSIFIER_TYPEYou requested an invalid classifier type.
-1074395786ERR_INVALID_PARTICLE_OPTIONSThe sum of Scale Dependence and Symmetry Dependence must be less than 1000.
-1074395785ERR_NO_PARTICLEThe image yielded no particles.
-1074395784ERR_INVALID_LIMITSThe limits you supplied are not valid.
-1074395783ERR_BAD_SAMPLE_INDEXThe Sample Index fell outside the range of Samples.
-1074395782ERR_DESCRIPTION_TOO_LONGThe description must be <= 255 characters.
-1074395781ERR_CLASSIFIER_INVALID_ENGINE_TYPEThe engine for this classifier session does not support this operation.
-1074395780ERR_INVALID_PARTICLE_TYPEYou requested an invalid particle type.
-1074395779ERR_CANNOT_COMPACT_UNTRAINEDYou may only save a session in compact form if it is trained.
-1074395778ERR_INVALID_KERNEL_SIZEThe Kernel size must be smaller than the image size.
-1074395777ERR_INCOMPATIBLE_CLASSIFIER_TYPESThe session you read from file must be the same type as the session you passed in.
-1074395776ERR_INVALID_USE_OF_COMPACT_SESSION_FILEYou can not use a compact classification file with read options other than Read All.
-1074395775ERR_ROI_HAS_OPEN_CONTOURSThe ROI you passed in may only contain closed contours.
-1074395774ERR_NO_LABELYou must pass in a label.
-1074395773ERR_NO_DEST_IMAGEYou must provide a destination image.
-1074395772ERR_INVALID_REGISTRATION_METHODYou provided an invalid registration method.
-1074395771ERR_OPENING_NEWER_INSPECTION_TEMPLATEThe golden template you tried to open was created with a newer version of NI Vision. Upgrade to the latest version of NI Vision to read this file.
-1074395770ERR_INVALID_INSPECTION_TEMPLATEInvalid golden template.
-1074395769ERR_INVALID_EDGE_THICKNESSEdge Thickness to Ignore must be greater than zero.
-1074395768ERR_INVALID_SCALEScale must be greater than zero.
-1074395767ERR_INVALID_ALIGNMENTThe supplied scale is invalid for your template.
-1074395766ERR_DEPRECATED_FUNCTIONThis backwards-compatibility function can not be used with this session. Use newer, supported functions instead.
-1074395763ERR_INVALID_NORMALIZATION_METHODYou must provide a valid normalization method.
-1074395762ERR_INVALID_NIBLACK_DEVIATION_FACTORThe deviation factor for Niblack local threshold must be between 0 and 1.
-1074395760ERR_BOARD_NOT_FOUNDBoard not found.
-1074395758ERR_BOARD_NOT_OPENBoard not opened.
-1074395757ERR_DLL_NOT_FOUNDDLL not found.
-1074395756ERR_DLL_FUNCTION_NOT_FOUNDDLL function not found.
-1074395754ERR_TRIG_TIMEOUTTrigger timeout.
-1074395728ERR_INVALID_2D_BARCODE_SEARCH_MODENI Vision does not support the search mode you provided.
-1074395727ERR_UNSUPPORTED_2D_BARCODE_SEARCH_MODENI Vision does not support the search mode you provided for the type of 2D barcode for which you are searching.
-1074395726ERR_MATCHFACTOR_OBSOLETEmatchFactor has been obsoleted. Instead, set the initialMatchListLength and matchListReductionFactor in the MatchPatternAdvancedOptions structure.
-1074395725ERR_DATA_VERSIONThe data was stored with a newer version of NI Vision. Upgrade to the latest version of NI Vision to read this data.
-1074395724ERR_CUSTOMDATA_INVALID_SIZEThe size you specified is out of the valid range.
-1074395723ERR_CUSTOMDATA_KEY_NOT_FOUNDThe key you specified cannot be found in the image.
-1074395722ERR_CLASSIFIER_CLASSIFY_IMAGE_WITH_CUSTOM_SESSIONCustom classifier sessions only classify feature vectors. They do not support classifying images.
-1074395721ERR_INVALID_BIT_DEPTHNI Vision does not support the bit depth you supplied for the image you supplied.
-1074395720ERR_BAD_ROIInvalid ROI.
-1074395719ERR_BAD_ROI_BOXInvalid ROI global rectangle.
-1074395718ERR_LAB_VERSIONThe version of LabVIEW or BridgeVIEW you are running does not support this operation.
-1074395717ERR_INVALID_RANGEThe range you supplied is invalid.
-1074395716ERR_INVALID_SCALING_METHODNI Vision does not support the scaling method you provided.
-1074395715ERR_INVALID_CALIBRATION_UNITNI Vision does not support the calibration unit you supplied.
-1074395714ERR_INVALID_AXIS_ORIENTATIONNI Vision does not support the axis orientation you supplied.
-1074395713ERR_VALUE_NOT_IN_ENUMValue not in enumeration.
-1074395712ERR_WRONG_REGION_TYPEYou selected a region that is not of the right type.
-1074395711ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_REGIONSYou specified a viewer that does not contain enough regions.
-1074395710ERR_TOO_MANY_PARTICLESThe image has too many particles for this process.
-1074395709ERR_AVI_UNOPENED_SESSIONThe AVI session has not been opened.
-1074395708ERR_AVI_READ_SESSION_REQUIREDThe AVI session is a write session, but this operation requires a read session.
-1074395707ERR_AVI_WRITE_SESSION_REQUIREDThe AVI session is a read session, but this operation requires a write session.
-1074395706ERR_AVI_SESSION_ALREADY_OPENThis AVI session is already open. You must close it before calling the Create or Open functions.
-1074395705ERR_DATA_CORRUPTEDThe data is corrupted and cannot be read.
-1074395704ERR_INVALID_COMPRESSION_TYPEInvalid compression type.
-1074395703ERR_INVALID_TYPE_OF_FLATTENInvalid type of flatten.
-1074395702ERR_INVALID_LENGTHThe length of the edge detection line must be greater than zero.
-1074395701ERR_INVALID_MATRIX_SIZE_RANGEThe maximum Data Matrix barcode size must be equal to or greater than the minimum Data Matrix barcode size.
-1074395700ERR_REQUIRES_WIN2000_OR_NEWERThe function requires the operating system to be Microsoft Windows 2000 or newer.
-1074395656ERR_SMOOTH_CONTOURS_MUST_BE_SAMEYou must specify the same value for the smooth contours advanced match option for all templates you want to match.
-1074395655ERR_ENABLE_CALIBRATION_SUPPORT_MUST_BE_SAMEYou must specify the same value for the enable calibration support advanced match option for all templates you want to match.
-1074395654ERR_GRADING_INFORMATION_NOT_FOUNDThe source image does not contain grading information. You must prepare the source image for grading when reading the Data Matrix, and you cannot change the contents of the source image between reading and grading the Data Matrix.
-1074395653ERR_OPENING_NEWER_MULTIPLE_GEOMETRIC_TEMPLATEThe multiple geometric matching template you tried to open was created with a newer version of NI Vision. Upgrade to the latest version of NI Vision to read this file.
-1074395652ERR_OPENING_NEWER_GEOMETRIC_MATCHING_TEMPLATEThe geometric matching template you tried to open was created with a newer version of NI Vision. Upgrade to the latest version of NI Vision to read this file.
-1074395651ERR_EDGE_FILTER_SIZE_MUST_BE_SAMEYou must specify the same edge filter size for all the templates you want to match.
-1074395650ERR_CURVE_EXTRACTION_MODE_MUST_BE_SAMEYou must specify the same curve extraction mode for all the templates you want to match.
-1074395649ERR_INVALID_GEOMETRIC_FEATURE_TYPEThe geometric feature type specified is invalid.
-1074395648ERR_TEMPLATE_NOT_LEARNEDYou supplied a template that was not learned.
-1074395647ERR_INVALID_MULTIPLE_GEOMETRIC_TEMPLATEInvalid multiple geometric template.
-1074395646ERR_NO_TEMPLATE_TO_LEARNNeed at least one template to learn.
-1074395645ERR_INVALID_NUMBER_OF_LABELSYou supplied an invalid number of labels.
-1074395644ERR_LABEL_TOO_LONGLabels must be <= 255 characters.
-1074395643ERR_INVALID_NUMBER_OF_MATCH_OPTIONSYou supplied an invalid number of match options.
-1074395642ERR_LABEL_NOT_FOUNDCannot find a label that matches the one you specified.
-1074395641ERR_DUPLICATE_LABELDuplicate labels are not allowed.
-1074395640ERR_TOO_MANY_ZONESThe number of zones found exceeded the capacity of the algorithm.
-1074395639ERR_INVALID_HATCH_STYLEThe hatch style for the window background is invalid.
-1074395638ERR_INVALID_FILL_STYLEThe fill style for the window background is invalid.
-1074395637ERR_HARDWARE_DOESNT_SUPPORT_NONTEARINGYour hardware is not supported by DirectX and cannot be put into NonTearing mode.
-1074395636ERR_DIRECTX_NOT_FOUNDDirectX is required for this feature. Please install the latest version..
-1074395635ERR_INVALID_SHAPE_DESCRIPTORThe passed shape descriptor is invalid.
-1074395634ERR_INVALID_MAX_MATCH_OVERLAPInvalid max match overlap. Values must be between -1 and 100.
-1074395633ERR_INVALID_MIN_MATCH_SEPARATION_SCALEInvalid minimum match separation scale. Values must be greater than or equal to -1.
-1074395632ERR_INVALID_MIN_MATCH_SEPARATION_ANGLEInvalid minimum match separation angle. Values must be between -1 and 360.
-1074395631ERR_INVALID_MIN_MATCH_SEPARATION_DISTANCEInvalid minimum match separation distance. Values must be greater than or equal to -1.
-1074395630ERR_INVALID_MAXIMUM_FEATURES_LEARNEDInvalid maximum number of features learn. Values must be integers greater than zero.
-1074395629ERR_INVALID_MAXIMUM_PIXEL_DISTANCE_FROM_LINEInvalid maximum pixel distance from line. Values must be positive real numbers.
-1074395628ERR_INVALID_GEOMETRIC_MATCHING_TEMPLATEInvalid geometric matching template image.
-1074395627ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_TEMPLATE_FEATURES_1The template does not contain enough features for geometric matching.
-1074395626ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_TEMPLATE_FEATURESThe template does not contain enough features for geometric matching.
-1074395625ERR_INVALID_MATCH_CONSTRAINT_TYPEYou specified an invalid value for the match constraint value of the range settings.
-1074395624ERR_INVALID_OCCLUSION_RANGEInvalid occlusion range. Valid values for the bounds range from 0 to 100 and the upper bound must be greater than or equal to the lower bound.
-1074395623ERR_INVALID_SCALE_RANGEInvalid scale range. Values for the lower bound must be a positive real numbers and the upper bound must be greater than or equal to the lower bound.
-1074395622ERR_INVALID_MATCH_GEOMETRIC_PATTERN_SETUP_DATAInvalid match geometric pattern setup data.
-1074395621ERR_INVALID_LEARN_GEOMETRIC_PATTERN_SETUP_DATAInvalid learn geometric pattern setup data.
-1074395620ERR_INVALID_CURVE_EXTRACTION_MODEInvalid curve extraction mode.
-1074395619ERR_TOO_MANY_OCCLUSION_RANGESYou can specify only one occlusion range.
-1074395618ERR_TOO_MANY_SCALE_RANGESYou can specify only one scale range.
-1074395617ERR_INVALID_NUMBER_OF_FEATURES_RANGEThe minimum number of features must be less than or equal to the maximum number of features.
-1074395616ERR_INVALID_EDGE_FILTER_SIZEInvalid edge filter size.
-1074395615ERR_INVALID_MINIMUM_FEATURE_STRENGTHInvalid minimum strength for features. Values must be positive real numbers.
-1074395614ERR_INVALID_MINIMUM_FEATURE_ASPECT_RATIOInvalid aspect ratio for rectangular features. Values must be positive real numbers in the range 0.01 to 1.0.
-1074395613ERR_INVALID_MINIMUM_FEATURE_LENGTHInvalid minimum length for linear features. Values must be integers greater than 0.
-1074395612ERR_INVALID_MINIMUM_FEATURE_RADIUSInvalid minimum radius for circular features. Values must be integers greater than 0.
-1074395611ERR_INVALID_MINIMUM_RECTANGLE_DIMENSIONInvalid minimum rectangle dimension. Values must be integers greater than 0.
-1074395610ERR_INVALID_INITIAL_MATCH_LIST_LENGTHInvalid initial match list length. Values must be integers greater than 5.
-1074395609ERR_INVALID_SUBPIXEL_TOLERANCEInvalid subpixel tolerance. Values must be positive real numbers.
-1074395608ERR_INVALID_SUBPIXEL_ITERATIONSInvalid number of subpixel iterations. Values must be integers greater 10.
-1074395607ERR_INVALID_MAXIMUM_FEATURES_PER_MATCHInvalid maximum number of features used per match. Values must be integers greater than or equal to zero.
-1074395606ERR_INVALID_MINIMUM_FEATURES_TO_MATCHInvalid minimum number of features used for matching. Values must be integers greater than zero.
-1074395605ERR_INVALID_MAXIMUM_END_POINT_GAPInvalid maximum end point gap. Valid values range from 0 to 32767.
-1074395604ERR_INVALID_COLUMN_STEPInvalid column step. Valid range is 1 to 255.
-1074395603ERR_INVALID_ROW_STEPInvalid row step. Valid range is 1 to 255.
-1074395602ERR_INVALID_MINIMUM_CURVE_LENGTHInvalid minimum length. Valid values must be greater than or equal to zero.
-1074395601ERR_INVALID_EDGE_THRESHOLDInvalid edge threshold. Valid values range from 1 to 360.
-1074395600ERR_INFO_NOT_FOUNDYou must provide information about the subimage within the browser.
-1074395598ERR_NIOCR_INVALID_ACCEPTANCE_LEVELThe acceptance level is outside the valid range of 0 to 1000.
-1074395597ERR_NIOCR_NOT_A_VALID_SESSIONNot a valid OCR session.
-1074395596ERR_NIOCR_INVALID_CHARACTER_SIZEInvalid character size. Character size must be >= 1.
-1074395595ERR_NIOCR_INVALID_THRESHOLD_MODEInvalid threshold mode value.
-1074395594ERR_NIOCR_INVALID_SUBSTITUTION_CHARACTERInvalid substitution character. Valid substitution characters are ASCII values that range from 1 to 254.
-1074395593ERR_NIOCR_INVALID_NUMBER_OF_BLOCKSInvalid number of blocks. Number of blocks must be >= 4 and <= 50.
-1074395592ERR_NIOCR_INVALID_READ_STRATEGYInvalid read strategy.
-1074395591ERR_NIOCR_INVALID_CHARACTER_INDEXInvalid character index.
-1074395590ERR_NIOCR_INVALID_NUMBER_OF_VALID_CHARACTER_POSITIONSInvalid number of character positions. Valid values range from 0 to 255.
-1074395589ERR_NIOCR_INVALID_LOW_THRESHOLD_VALUEInvalid low threshold value. Valid threshold values range from 0 to 255.
-1074395588ERR_NIOCR_INVALID_HIGH_THRESHOLD_VALUEInvalid high threshold value. Valid threshold values range from 0 to 255.
-1074395587ERR_NIOCR_INVALID_THRESHOLD_RANGEThe low threshold must be less than the high threshold.
-1074395586ERR_NIOCR_INVALID_LOWER_THRESHOLD_LIMITInvalid lower threshold limit. Valid lower threshold limits range from 0 to 255.
-1074395585ERR_NIOCR_INVALID_UPPER_THRESHOLD_LIMITInvalid upper threshold limit. Valid upper threshold limits range from 0 to 255.
-1074395584ERR_NIOCR_INVALID_THRESHOLD_LIMITSThe lower threshold limit must be less than the upper threshold limit.
-1074395583ERR_NIOCR_INVALID_MIN_CHAR_SPACINGInvalid minimum character spacing value. Character spacing must be >= 0 pixels.
-1074395582ERR_NIOCR_INVALID_MAX_HORIZ_ELEMENT_SPACINGInvalid maximum horizontal element spacing value. Maximum horizontal element spacing must be >= 0.
-1074395581ERR_NIOCR_INVALID_MAX_VERT_ELEMENT_SPACINGInvalid maximum vertical element spacing value. Maximum vertical element spacing must be >= 0.
-1074395580ERR_NIOCR_INVALID_MIN_BOUNDING_RECT_WIDTHInvalid minimum bounding rectangle width. Minimum bounding rectangle width must be >= 1.
-1074395579ERR_NIOCR_INVALID_ASPECT_RATIOInvalid aspect ratio value. The aspect ratio must be zero or >= 100.
-1074395578ERR_NIOCR_INVALID_CHARACTER_SET_FILEInvalid or corrupt character set file.
-1074395577ERR_NIOCR_CHARACTER_VALUE_CANNOT_BE_EMPTYSTRINGThe character value must not be an empty string.
-1074395576ERR_NIOCR_CHARACTER_VALUE_TOO_LONGCharacter values must be <=255 characters.
-1074395575ERR_NIOCR_INVALID_NUMBER_OF_EROSIONSInvalid number of erosions. The number of erosions must be >= 0.
-1074395574ERR_NIOCR_CHARACTER_SET_DESCRIPTION_TOO_LONGThe character set description must be <=255 characters.
-1074395573ERR_NIOCR_INVALID_CHARACTER_SET_FILE_VERSIONThe character set file was created by a newer version of NI Vision. Upgrade to the latest version of NI Vision to read the character set file.
-1074395572ERR_NIOCR_INTEGER_VALUE_FOR_STRING_ATTRIBUTEYou must specify characters for a string. A string cannot contain integers.
-1074395571ERR_NIOCR_GET_ONLY_ATTRIBUTEThis attribute is read-only.
-1074395570ERR_NIOCR_INTEGER_VALUE_FOR_BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTEThis attribute requires a Boolean value.
-1074395569ERR_NIOCR_INVALID_ATTRIBUTEInvalid attribute.
-1074395568ERR_NIOCR_STRING_VALUE_FOR_INTEGER_ATTRIBUTEThis attribute requires integer values.
-1074395567ERR_NIOCR_STRING_VALUE_FOR_BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTEString values are invalid for this attribute. Enter a boolean value.
-1074395566ERR_NIOCR_BOOLEAN_VALUE_FOR_INTEGER_ATTRIBUTEBoolean values are not valid for this attribute. Enter an integer value.
-1074395565ERR_NIOCR_MUST_BE_SINGLE_CHARACTERRequires a single-character string.
-1074395564ERR_NIOCR_INVALID_PREDEFINED_CHARACTERInvalid predefined character value.
-1074395563ERR_NIOCR_UNLICENSEDThis copy of NI OCR is unlicensed.
-1074395562ERR_NIOCR_BOOLEAN_VALUE_FOR_STRING_ATTRIBUTEString values are not valid for this attribute. Enter a Boolean value.
-1074395561ERR_NIOCR_INVALID_NUMBER_OF_CHARACTERSThe number of characters in the character value must match the number of objects in the image.
-1074395560ERR_NIOCR_INVALID_OBJECT_INDEXInvalid object index.
-1074395559ERR_NIOCR_INVALID_READ_OPTIONInvalid read option.
-1074395558ERR_NIOCR_INVALID_CHARACTER_SIZE_RANGEThe minimum character size must be less than the maximum character size.
-1074395557ERR_NIOCR_INVALID_BOUNDING_RECT_WIDTH_RANGEThe minimum character bounding rectangle width must be less than the maximum character bounding rectangle width.
-1074395556ERR_NIOCR_INVALID_BOUNDING_RECT_HEIGHT_RANGEThe minimum character bounding rectangle height must be less than the maximum character bounding rectangle height.
-1074395555ERR_NIOCR_INVALID_SPACING_RANGEThe maximum horizontal element spacing value must not exceed the minimum character spacing value.
-1074395554ERR_NIOCR_INVALID_READ_RESOLUTIONInvalid read resolution.
-1074395553ERR_NIOCR_INVALID_MIN_BOUNDING_RECT_HEIGHTInvalid minimum bounding rectangle height. The minimum bounding rectangle height must be >= 1.
-1074395552ERR_NIOCR_NOT_A_VALID_CHARACTER_SETNot a valid character set.
-1074395551ERR_NIOCR_RENAME_REFCHARA trained OCR character cannot be renamed while it is a reference character.
-1074395550ERR_NIOCR_INVALID_CHARACTER_VALUEA character cannot have an ASCII value of 255.
-1074395549ERR_NIOCR_INVALID_NUMBER_OF_OBJECTS_TO_VERIFYThe number of objects found does not match the number of expected characters or patterns to verify.
-1074395410ERR_INVALID_ICONS_PER_LINENI Vision does not support less than one icon per line.
-1074395409ERR_INVALID_SUBPIXEL_DIVISIONSInvalid subpixel divisions.
-1074395408ERR_INVALID_DETECTION_MODEInvalid detection mode.
-1074395407ERR_INVALID_CONTRASTInvalid contrast value. Valid contrast values range from 0 to 255.
-1074395406ERR_COORDSYS_NOT_FOUNDThe coordinate system could not be found on this image.
-1074395405ERR_INVALID_TEXTORIENTATIONNI Vision does not support the text orientation value you supplied.
-1074395404ERR_INVALID_INTERPOLATIONMETHOD_FOR_UNWRAPUnwrapImage does not support the interpolation method value you supplied. Valid interpolation methods are zero order and bilinear.
-1074395403ERR_EXTRAINFO_VERSIONThe image was created in a newer version of NI Vision. Upgrade to the latest version of NI Vision to use this image.
-1074395402ERR_INVALID_MAXPOINTSThe function does not support the maximum number of points that you specified.
-1074395401ERR_INVALID_MATCHFACTORThe function does not support the matchFactor that you specified.
-1074395400ERR_MULTICORE_OPERATIONThe operation you have given Multicore Options is invalid. Please see the available enumeration values for Multicore Operation.
-1074395399ERR_MULTICORE_INVALID_ARGUMENTYou have given Multicore Options an invalid argument.
-1074395397ERR_COMPLEX_IMAGE_REQUIREDA complex image is required.
-1074395395ERR_COLOR_IMAGE_REQUIREDThe input image must be a color image.
-1074395394ERR_COLOR_SPECTRUM_MASKThe color mask removes too much color information.
-1074395393ERR_COLOR_TEMPLATE_IMAGE_TOO_SMALLThe color template image is too small.
-1074395392ERR_COLOR_TEMPLATE_IMAGE_TOO_LARGEThe color template image is too large.
-1074395391ERR_COLOR_TEMPLATE_IMAGE_HUE_CONTRAST_TOO_LOWThe contrast in the hue plane of the image is too low for learning shape features.
-1074395390ERR_COLOR_TEMPLATE_IMAGE_LUMINANCE_CONTRAST_TOO_LOWThe contrast in the luminance plane of the image is too low to learn shape features.
-1074395389ERR_COLOR_LEARN_SETUP_DATAInvalid color learn setup data.
-1074395388ERR_COLOR_LEARN_SETUP_DATA_SHAPEInvalid color learn setup data.
-1074395387ERR_COLOR_MATCH_SETUP_DATAInvalid color match setup data.
-1074395386ERR_COLOR_MATCH_SETUP_DATA_SHAPEInvalid color match setup data.
-1074395385ERR_COLOR_ROTATION_REQUIRES_SHAPE_FEATURERotation-invariant color pattern matching requires a feature mode including shape.
-1074395384ERR_COLOR_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTORInvalid color template image.
-1074395383ERR_COLOR_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTOR_1Invalid color template image.
-1074395382ERR_COLOR_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTOR_2Invalid color template image.
-1074395381ERR_COLOR_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTOR_3Invalid color template image.
-1074395380ERR_COLOR_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTOR_4Invalid color template image.
-1074395379ERR_COLOR_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTOR_5Invalid color template image.
-1074395378ERR_COLOR_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTOR_6Invalid color template image.
-1074395377ERR_COLOR_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTOR_SHIFTInvalid color template image.
-1074395376ERR_COLOR_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTOR_NOSHIFTThe color template image does not contain data required for shift-invariant color matching.
-1074395375ERR_COLOR_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTOR_SHIFT_1Invalid color template image.
-1074395374ERR_COLOR_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTOR_SHIFT_2Invalid color template image.
-1074395373ERR_COLOR_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTOR_ROTATIONInvalid color template image.
-1074395372ERR_COLOR_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTOR_NOROTATIONThe color template image does not contain data required for rotation-invariant color matching.
-1074395371ERR_COLOR_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTOR_ROTATION_1Invalid color template image.
-1074395370ERR_COLOR_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTOR_ROTATION_2Invalid color template image.
-1074395369ERR_COLOR_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTOR_ROTATION_3Invalid color template image.
-1074395368ERR_COLOR_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTOR_ROTATION_4Invalid color template image.
-1074395367ERR_COLOR_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTOR_ROTATION_5Invalid color template image.
-1074395366ERR_COLOR_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTOR_NOSHAPEThe color template image does not contain data required for color matching in shape feature mode.
-1074395365ERR_COLOR_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTOR_NOSPECTRUMThe color template image does not contain data required for color matching in color feature mode.
-1074395364ERR_IGNORE_COLOR_SPECTRUM_SETThe ignore color spectra array is invalid.
-1074395363ERR_INVALID_SUBSAMPLING_RATIOInvalid subsampling ratio.
-1074395362ERR_INVALID_WIDTHInvalid pixel width.
-1074395361ERR_INVALID_STEEPNESSInvalid steepness.
-1074395360ERR_COMPLEX_PLANEInvalid complex plane.
-1074395357ERR_INVALID_COLOR_IGNORE_MODEInvalid color ignore mode.
-1074395356ERR_INVALID_MIN_MATCH_SCOREInvalid minimum match score. Acceptable values range from 0 to 1000.
-1074395355ERR_INVALID_NUM_MATCHES_REQUESTEDInvalid number of matches requested. You must request a minimum of one match.
-1074395354ERR_INVALID_COLOR_WEIGHTInvalid color weight. Acceptable values range from 0 to 1000.
-1074395353ERR_INVALID_SEARCH_STRATEGYInvalid search strategy.
-1074395352ERR_INVALID_FEATURE_MODEInvalid feature mode.
-1074395351ERR_INVALID_RECTNI Vision does not support rectangles with negative widths or negative heights.
-1074395350ERR_INVALID_VISION_INFONI Vision does not support the vision information type you supplied.
-1074395349ERR_INVALID_SKELETONMETHODNI Vision does not support the SkeletonMethod value you supplied.
-1074395348ERR_INVALID_3DPLANENI Vision does not support the 3DPlane value you supplied.
-1074395347ERR_INVALID_3DDIRECTIONNI Vision does not support the 3DDirection value you supplied.
-1074395346ERR_INVALID_INTERPOLATIONMETHOD_FOR_ROTATEimaqRotate does not support the InterpolationMethod value you supplied.
-1074395345ERR_INVALID_FLIPAXISNI Vision does not support the axis of symmetry you supplied.
-1074395343ERR_FILE_FILENAME_NULLYou must pass a valid file name. Do not pass in NULL.
-1074395340ERR_INVALID_SIZETYPENI Vision does not support the SizeType value you supplied.
-1074395336ERR_UNKNOWN_ALGORITHMYou specified the dispatch status of an unknown algorithm.
-1074395335ERR_DISPATCH_STATUS_CONFLICTYou are attempting to set the same algorithm to dispatch and to not dispatch. Remove one of the conflicting settings.
-1074395334ERR_INVALID_CONVERSIONSTYLENI Vision does not support the Conversion Method value you supplied.
-1074395333ERR_INVALID_VERTICAL_TEXT_ALIGNMENTNI Vision does not support the VerticalTextAlignment value you supplied.
-1074395332ERR_INVALID_COMPAREFUNCTIONNI Vision does not support the CompareFunction value you supplied.
-1074395331ERR_INVALID_BORDERMETHODNI Vision does not support the BorderMethod value you supplied.
-1074395330ERR_INVALID_BORDER_SIZEInvalid border size. Acceptable values range from 0 to 50.
-1074395329ERR_INVALID_OUTLINEMETHODNI Vision does not support the OutlineMethod value you supplied.
-1074395328ERR_INVALID_INTERPOLATIONMETHODNI Vision does not support the InterpolationMethod value you supplied.
-1074395327ERR_INVALID_SCALINGMODENI Vision does not support the ScalingMode value you supplied.
-1074395326ERR_INVALID_DRAWMODE_FOR_LINEimaqDrawLineOnImage does not support the DrawMode value you supplied.
-1074395325ERR_INVALID_DRAWMODENI Vision does not support the DrawMode value you supplied.
-1074395324ERR_INVALID_SHAPEMODENI Vision does not support the ShapeMode value you supplied.
-1074395323ERR_INVALID_FONTCOLORNI Vision does not support the FontColor value you supplied.
-1074395322ERR_INVALID_TEXTALIGNMENTNI Vision does not support the TextAlignment value you supplied.
-1074395321ERR_INVALID_MORPHOLOGYMETHODNI Vision does not support the MorphologyMethod value you supplied.
-1074395320ERR_TEMPLATE_EMPTYThe template image is empty.
-1074395319ERR_INVALID_SUBPIX_TYPENI Vision does not support the interpolation type you supplied.
-1074395318ERR_INSF_POINTSYou supplied an insufficient number of points to perform this operation.
-1074395317ERR_UNDEF_POINTYou specified a point that lies outside the image.
-1074395316ERR_INVALID_KERNEL_CODEInvalid kernel code.
-1074395313ERR_WRITE_FILE_NOT_SUPPORTEDWriting files is not supported on this device.
-1074395312ERR_LCD_CALIBRATEThe input image does not seem to be a valid LCD or LED calibration image.
-1074395311ERR_INVALID_COLOR_SPECTRUMThe color spectrum array you provided does not contain enough elements or contains an element set to not-a-number (NaN).
-1074395310ERR_INVALID_PALETTE_TYPENI Vision does not support the PaletteType value you supplied.
-1074395309ERR_INVALID_WINDOW_THREAD_POLICYNI Vision does not support the WindowThreadPolicy value you supplied.
-1074395308ERR_INVALID_COLORSENSITIVITYNI Vision does not support the ColorSensitivity value you supplied.
-1074395307ERR_PRECISION_NOT_GTR_THAN_0The precision parameter must be greater than 0.
-1074395306ERR_INVALID_TOOLNI Vision does not support the Tool value you supplied.
-1074395305ERR_INVALID_REFERENCEMODENI Vision does not support the ReferenceMode value you supplied.
-1074395304ERR_INVALID_MATHTRANSFORMMETHODNI Vision does not support the MathTransformMethod value you supplied.
-1074395303ERR_INVALID_NUM_OF_CLASSESInvalid number of classes for auto threshold. Acceptable values range from 2 to 256.
-1074395302ERR_INVALID_THRESHOLDMETHODNI Vision does not support the threshold method value you supplied.
-1074395301ERR_ROI_NOT_2_LINESThe ROI you passed into imaqGetMeterArc must consist of two lines.
-1074395300ERR_INVALID_METERARCMODENI Vision does not support the MeterArcMode value you supplied.
-1074395299ERR_INVALID_COMPLEXPLANENI Vision does not support the ComplexPlane value you supplied.
-1074395298ERR_COMPLEXPLANE_NOT_REAL_OR_IMAGINARYYou can perform this operation on a real or an imaginary ComplexPlane only.
-1074395297ERR_INVALID_PARTICLEINFOMODENI Vision does not support the ParticleInfoMode value you supplied.
-1074395296ERR_INVALID_BARCODETYPENI Vision does not support the BarcodeType value you supplied.
-1074395295ERR_INVALID_INTERPOLATIONMETHOD_INTERPOLATEPOINTSimaqInterpolatePoints does not support the InterpolationMethod value you supplied.
-1074395294ERR_CONTOUR_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGEThe contour index you supplied is larger than the number of contours in the ROI.
-1074395293ERR_CONTOURID_NOT_FOUNDThe supplied ContourID did not correlate to a contour inside the ROI.
-1074395292ERR_POINTS_ARE_COLLINEARDo not supply collinear points for this operation.
-1074395291ERR_SHAPEMATCH_BADIMAGEDATAShape Match requires the image to contain only pixel values of 0 or 1.
-1074395290ERR_SHAPEMATCH_BADTEMPLATEThe template you supplied for ShapeMatch contains no shape information.
-1074395287ERR_INVALID_LINEThe line you provided contains two identical points, or one of the coordinate locations for the line is not a number (NaN).
-1074395286ERR_INVALID_CONCENTRIC_RAKE_DIRECTIONInvalid concentric rake direction.
-1074395285ERR_INVALID_SPOKE_DIRECTIONInvalid spoke direction.
-1074395284ERR_INVALID_EDGE_PROCESSInvalid edge process.
-1074395283ERR_INVALID_RAKE_DIRECTIONInvalid rake direction.
-1074395282ERR_CANT_DRAW_INTO_VIEWERUnable to draw to viewer. You must have the latest version of the control.
-1074395281ERR_IMAGE_SMALLER_THAN_BORDERYour image must be larger than its border size for this operation.
-1074395280ERR_ROI_NOT_RECTThe ROI must only have a single Rectangle contour.
-1074395279ERR_ROI_NOT_POLYGONROI is not a polygon.
-1074395278ERR_LCD_NOT_NUMERICLCD image is not a number.
-1074395277ERR_BARCODE_CHECKSUMThe decoded barcode information did not pass the checksum test.
-1074395276ERR_LINES_PARALLELYou specified parallel lines for the meter ROI.
-1074395275ERR_INVALID_BROWSER_IMAGEInvalid browser image.
-1074395270ERR_DIV_BY_ZEROCannot divide by zero.
-1074395269ERR_NULL_POINTERNull pointer.
-1074395268ERR_LINEAR_COEFFThe linear equations are not independent.
-1074395267ERR_COMPLEX_ROOTThe roots of the equation are complex.
-1074395265ERR_BARCODEThe barcode does not match the type you specified.
-1074395263ERR_LCD_NO_SEGMENTSNo lit segment.
-1074395262ERR_LCD_BAD_MATCHThe LCD does not form a known digit.
-1074395261ERR_GIP_RANGEAn internal error occurred while attempting to access an invalid coordinate on an image.
-1074395260ERR_HEAP_TRASHEDAn internal memory error occurred.
-1074395258ERR_BAD_FILTER_WIDTHThe filter width must be odd for the Canny operator.
-1074395257ERR_INVALID_EDGE_DIRYou supplied an invalid edge direction in the Canny operator.
-1074395256ERR_EVEN_WINDOW_SIZEThe window size must be odd for the Canny operator.
-1074395253ERR_INVALID_LEARN_MODEInvalid learn mode.
-1074395252ERR_LEARN_SETUP_DATAInvalid learn setup data.
-1074395251ERR_INVALID_MATCH_MODEInvalid match mode.
-1074395250ERR_MATCH_SETUP_DATAInvalid match setup data.
-1074395249ERR_ROTATION_ANGLE_RANGE_TOO_LARGEAt least one range in the array of rotation angle ranges exceeds 360 degrees.
-1074395248ERR_TOO_MANY_ROTATION_ANGLE_RANGESThe array of rotation angle ranges contains too many ranges.
-1074395247ERR_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTORInvalid template descriptor.
-1074395246ERR_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTOR_1Invalid template descriptor.
-1074395245ERR_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTOR_2Invalid template descriptor.
-1074395244ERR_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTOR_3Invalid template descriptor.
-1074395243ERR_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTOR_4The template descriptor was created with a newer version of NI Vision. Upgrade to the latest version of NI Vision to use this template.
-1074395242ERR_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTOR_ROTATIONInvalid template descriptor.
-1074395241ERR_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTOR_NOROTATIONThe template descriptor does not contain data required for rotation-invariant matching.
-1074395240ERR_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTOR_ROTATION_1Invalid template descriptor.
-1074395239ERR_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTOR_SHIFTInvalid template descriptor.
-1074395238ERR_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTOR_NOSHIFTThe template descriptor does not contain data required for shift-invariant matching.
-1074395237ERR_TEMPLATE_DESCRIPTOR_SHIFT_1Invalid template descriptor.
-1074395235ERR_TEMPLATE_IMAGE_CONTRAST_TOO_LOWThe template image does not contain enough contrast.
-1074395234ERR_TEMPLATE_IMAGE_TOO_SMALLThe template image is too small.
-1074395233ERR_TEMPLATE_IMAGE_TOO_LARGEThe template image is too large.
-1074395212ERR_OCR_TEMPLATE_WRONG_SIZEThe size of the template string must match the size of the string you are trying to correct.
-1074395211ERR_OCR_BAD_TEXT_TEMPLATEThe supplied text template contains nonstandard characters that cannot be generated by OCR.
-1074395210ERR_OCR_CANNOT_MATCH_TEXT_TEMPLATEAt least one character in the text template was of a lexical class that did not match the supplied character reports.
-1074395203ERR_OCR_LIB_INITThe OCR library cannot be initialized correctly.
-1074395201ERR_OCR_LOAD_LIBRARYThere was a failure when loading one of the internal OCR engine or LabView libraries.
-1074395200ERR_OCR_INVALID_PARAMETEROne of the parameters supplied to the OCR function that generated this error is invalid.
-1074395179ERR_OCR_PREPROCESSING_FAILEDThe OCR engine failed during the preprocessing stage.
-1074395178ERR_OCR_RECOGNITION_FAILEDThe OCR engine failed during the recognition stage.
-1074395175ERR_OCR_BAD_USER_DICTIONARYThe provided filename is not valid user dictionary filename.
-1074395174ERR_OCR_INVALID_AUTOORIENTMODENI Vision does not support the AutoOrientMode value you supplied.
-1074395173ERR_OCR_INVALID_LANGUAGENI Vision does not support the Language value you supplied.
-1074395172ERR_OCR_INVALID_CHARACTERSETNI Vision does not support the CharacterSet value you supplied.
-1074395171ERR_OCR_INI_FILE_NOT_FOUNDThe system could not locate the initialization file required for OCR initialization.
-1074395170ERR_OCR_INVALID_CHARACTERTYPENI Vision does not support the CharacterType value you supplied.
-1074395169ERR_OCR_INVALID_RECOGNITIONMODENI Vision does not support the RecognitionMode value you supplied.
-1074395168ERR_OCR_INVALID_AUTOCORRECTIONMODENI Vision does not support the AutoCorrectionMode value you supplied.
-1074395167ERR_OCR_INVALID_OUTPUTDELIMITERNI Vision does not support the OutputDelimiter value you supplied.
-1074395166ERR_OCR_BIN_DIR_NOT_FOUNDThe system could not locate the OCR binary directory required for OCR initialization.
-1074395165ERR_OCR_WTS_DIR_NOT_FOUNDThe system could not locate the OCR weights directory required for OCR initialization.
-1074395164ERR_OCR_ADD_WORD_FAILEDThe supplied word could not be added to the user dictionary.
-1074395163ERR_OCR_INVALID_CHARACTERPREFERENCENI Vision does not support the CharacterPreference value you supplied.
-1074395162ERR_OCR_INVALID_CORRECTIONMODENI Vision does not support the CorrectionMethod value you supplied.
-1074395161ERR_OCR_INVALID_CORRECTIONLEVELNI Vision does not support the CorrectionLevel value you supplied.
-1074395160ERR_OCR_INVALID_MAXPOINTSIZENI Vision does not support the maximum point size you supplied. Valid values range from 4 to 72.
-1074395159ERR_OCR_INVALID_TOLERANCENI Vision does not support the tolerance value you supplied. Valid values are non-negative.
-1074395158ERR_OCR_INVALID_CONTRASTMODENI Vision does not support the ContrastMode value you supplied.
-1074395156ERR_OCR_SKEW_DETECT_FAILEDThe OCR attempted to detected the text skew and failed.
-1074395155ERR_OCR_ORIENT_DETECT_FAILEDThe OCR attempted to detected the text orientation and failed.
-1074395153ERR_FONT_FILE_FORMATInvalid font file format.
-1074395152ERR_FONT_FILE_NOT_FOUNDFont file not found.
-1074395151ERR_OCR_CORRECTION_FAILEDThe OCR engine failed during the correction stage.
-1074395150ERR_INVALID_ROUNDING_MODENI Vision does not support the RoundingMode value you supplied.
-1074395149ERR_DUPLICATE_TRANSFORM_TYPEFound a duplicate transform type in the properties array. Each properties array may only contain one behavior for each transform type.
-1074395148ERR_OVERLAY_GROUP_NOT_FOUNDOverlay Group Not Found.
-1074395147ERR_BARCODE_RSSLIMITEDThe barcode is not a valid RSS Limited symbol
-1074395146ERR_QR_DETECTION_VERSIONCouldn't determine the correct version of the QR code.
-1074395145ERR_QR_INVALID_READInvalid read of the QR code.
-1074395144ERR_QR_INVALID_BARCODEThe barcode that was read contains invalid parameters.
-1074395143ERR_QR_DETECTION_MODEThe data stream that was demodulated could not be read because the mode was not detected.
-1074395142ERR_QR_DETECTION_MODELTYPECouldn't determine the correct model of the QR code.
-1074395141ERR_OCR_NO_TEXT_FOUNDThe OCR engine could not find any text in the supplied region.
-1074395140ERR_OCR_CHAR_REPORT_CORRUPTEDOne of the character reports is no longer usable by the system.
-1074395139ERR_IMAQ_QR_DIMENSION_INVALIDInvalid Dimensions.
-1074395138ERR_OCR_REGION_TOO_SMALLThe OCR region provided was too small to have contained any characters.