
NI Vision for LabWindows/CVI Function



int imaqSetMultipleGeometricPatternsOptions(MultipleGeometricPattern* multiplePattern, const char* label, const CurveOptions* curveOptions, const MatchGeometricPatternOptions* matchOptions, const MatchGeometricPatternAdvancedOptions2* advancedMatchOptions);


Sets the options used by imaqMatchMultipleGeometricPatterns() to match the template image corresponding to the specified label in multiplePattern.





multiplePattern MultipleGeometricPattern* The multiple geometric pattern that the template image is part of. This parameter is required and cannot be NULL.
label const char* The label identifying the template image for which you are setting the options. This parameter is required and cannot be NULL.
curveOptions const CurveOptions* Describes how the function identifies the curves in the image the function will use to match the template image. This function does not support identifying curves with subpixel accuracy and therefore ignores the subpixelAccuracy element of this parameter. Set this parameter to NULL to use the same curve options to match the template image as you used to learn the template image.
matchOptions const MatchGeometricPatternOptions* Describes how to search for the template image.
advancedMatchOptions const MatchGeometricPatternAdvancedOptions2* Specifies advanced behaviors of the function, which can be used to optimize the performance of the function or to fine-tune the matches located by the function.

Return Value



int On success, this function returns a non-zero value. On failure, this function returns 0. To get extended error information, call imaqGetLastError().

Parameter Discussion

matchOptions—Set matchOptions to NULL to use the default match options, as follows:

subpixelAccuracy FALSE
angleRanges NULL (all angles allowed)
numRanges 0
scaleRange {75, 125}
occlusionRange {0, 25}
numMatchesRequested 1
minMatchScore 800

advancedMatchOptions—Set advancedMatchOptions to NULL to use the default advanced match options, as follows:

minFeaturesUsed 5
maxFeaturesUsed 5
subpixelIterations 20
subpixelTolerance 0
initialMatchListLength 200
matchTemplateCurveScore FALSE
correlationScore TRUE
minMatchSeparationDistance 20
minMatchSeparationAngle 10
minMatchSeparationScale 10
maxMatchOverlap 80
coarseResult FALSE
smoothContours FALSE
enableCalibrationSupport TRUE