Calibration Functions

NI Vision for LabWindows/CVI Function

Calibration Functions

The following functions are available only with a licensed version of NI Vision.

Calibration functions allow you to spatially calibrate images. Spatial calibration converts pixel coordinates to real-world coordinates while compensating for potential perspective errors or nonlinear distortions in your imaging system.

The following table lists the Calibration functions. The functions in the Calibration class are grouped according to the types of operations they perform. The first column contains the name of the class. The second column contains names of individual function panels. Each Calibration function panel represents one function.

Class LabWindows/CVI Equivalent Function Name
CalibrationCopy Calibration InfoimaqCopyCalibrationInfo2
CalibrationCorrect Calibrated ImageimaqCorrectCalibratedImage
CalibrationGet Calibration InfoimaqGetCalibrationInfo2
CalibrationLearn Calibration GridimaqLearnCalibrationGrid
CalibrationLearn Calibration PointsimaqLearnCalibrationPoints
CalibrationSet Coordinate SystemimaqSetCoordinateSystem
CalibrationSet Simple CalibrationimaqSetSimpleCalibration
CalibrationConvert Pixel To Real WorldimaqTransformPixelToRealWorld
CalibrationTransform Real World To PixelimaqTransformRealWorldToPixel