
NI Vision for LabWindows/CVI Function



int imaqROIToMask(Image* mask, const ROI* roi, int fillValue, const Image* imageModel, int* inSpace);


Transforms a region of interest (ROI) into a mask image.

Image Types Supported






mask Image* The resulting mask image.
roi const ROI* The descriptor defining the ROI.
fillValue int The pixel value of the mask. All pixels inside the ROI receive this value.
imageModel const Image* An optional template for the destination mask image. This parameter can be any image type that NI Vision supports. If you supply an imageModel, the mask image is the size of the model. If you set imageModel to NULL, the size of mask is equal to the size of the bounding rectangle of the ROI, which reduces the amount of memory used. The function sets the offset of the mask image to reflect the real position of the ROI.
inSpace int* If you used imageModel, this parameter indicates on return whether the mask is a true representation of the ROI. If TRUE, the ROI data is completely within imageModel. If FALSE, some of the ROI data fell outside the space associated with imageModel. Set this parameter to NULL if you do not need this information, or if you did not use imageModel.

Return Value



int On success, this function returns a non-zero value. On failure, this function returns 0. To get extended error information, call imaqGetLastError().