The information needed to describe a color in the RGB (Red, Green, and Blue) color space. There are several RGB constants already defined in NIVision.h, as follows:
Name | Value |
IMAQ_RGB_BLACK | {0,0,0,0} |
IMAQ_RGB_WHITE | {255,255,255,0} |
IMAQ_RGB_RED | {0,0,255,0} |
IMAQ_RGB_BLUE | {255,0,0,0} |
IMAQ_RGB_GREEN | {0,255,0,0} |
IMAQ_RGB_YELLOW | {0,255,255,0} |
There are additional constants you can use to initialize an RGBValue structure at declaration:
Name | Value |
IMAQ_INIT_RGB_BLACK | {0,0,0,0} |
IMAQ_INIT_RGB_WHITE | {255,255,255,0} |
IMAQ_INIT_RGB_RED | {0,0,255,0} |
IMAQ_INIT_RGB_BLUE | {255,0,0,0} |
IMAQ_INIT_RGB_GREEN | {0,255,0,0} |
IMAQ_INIT_RGB_YELLOW | {0,255,255,0} |
Name | Type | Description |
B | unsigned char | The blue value of the color. |
G | unsigned char | The green value of the color. |
R | unsigned char | The red value of the color. |
alpha | unsigned char | The alpha value of the color, which represents extra information about a color image, such as gamma correction. |