
NI Vision for LabWindows/CVI Function


Options used by a particle classifier to turn a grayscale image into a binary image.





manualThreshold int Set this element to TRUE to specify the threshold range manually. Set this element to FALSE to have the threshold range automatically calculated.
manualThresholdRange RangeFloat If a manual threshold is being done, the range of pixels to keep. This field is ignored if manualThreshold is set to FALSE.
autoThresholdMethod ThresholdMethod If an automatic threshold is being done, the method used to calculate the threshold range. This field is ignored if manualThreshold is set to TRUE.
limits RangeFloat The limits on the automatic threshold range.
particleType ParticleType What kind of particles to look for.
rejectBorder int Set this element to TRUE to reject border particles. Set this element to FALSE to keep border particles.
numErosions int The number of erosions to perform.