
NI Vision for LabWindows/CVI Function


Configures how NI Vision processes the image before training or reading characters.

Refer to the NI OCR Training Interface Helpfor more information.





mode ThresholdMode The thresholding mode.
lowThreshold int The low threshold value when you set mode to IMAQ_FIXED_RANGE. For other threshold modes, this parameter specifies the lower limit of the calculated threshold.
highThreshold int The high threshold value when you set mode to IMAQ_FIXED_RANGE. For other threshold modes, this parameter specifies the higher limit of the calculated threshold.
blockCount int The number of blocks for threshold calculation algorithms that require blocks. Valid values range from 4 to 50.
fastThreshold int Set this element to TRUE to use a faster, less accurate threshold calculation algorithm.
biModalCalculation int Set this element to TRUE to calculate both the low and high threshold values when using the fast thresholding method. Set this element to FALSE to calculate only the high threshold value when reading or training dark characters and to calculate only the low threshold value when reading or training light characters. This option is available only when fastThreshold is TRUE.
darkCharacters int Set this element to TRUE to read or train dark characters on a light background. Set this element to FALSE to read or train light characters on a dark background.
removeParticlesTouchingROI int Set this element to TRUE to remove the particles touching the ROI.
erosionCount int The number of erosions to perform. After performing the erosions, the function restores the remaining objects to their original uneroded size. Set this attribute to 0 if you do not want to remove small particles.