
NI Vision for LabWindows/CVI Function


Information about an image.





imageUnit CalibrationUnit If you set calibration information with imaqSetSimpleCalibrationInfo(), imageUnit is the calibration unit.
stepX float If you set calibration information with imaqSetCalibrationInfo(), stepX is the distance in the calibration unit between two pixels in the x direction.
stepY float If you set calibration information with imaqSetCalibrationInfo(), stepY is the distance in the calibration unit between two pixels in the y direction.
imageType ImageType The type of the image.
xRes int The number of columns in the image.
yRes int The number of rows in the image.
xOffset int If you set mask offset information with imaqSetMaskOffset(), xOffset is the offset of the mask origin in the x direction.
yOffset int If you set mask offset information with imaqSetMaskOffset(), yOffset is the offset of the mask origin in the y direction.
border int The number of border pixels around the image.
pixelsPerLine int The number of pixels stored for each line of the image. This value may be larger than xRes.
reserved0 void* This element is reserved.
reserved1 void* This element is reserved.
imageStart void* A pointer to pixel (0,0).