
NI Vision for LabWindows/CVI Function


Describes the Data Matrix barcode that the function read.





found int This element is TRUE if the function located and decoded a Data Matrix barcode and FALSE if the function failed to locate and decode a Data Matrix barcode.
binary int This element is TRUE if the Data Matrix barcode contains binary data and FALSE if the Data Matrix barcode contains text data.
data unsigned char* The data encoded in the Data Matrix barcode.
dataLength unsigned int The length of the data array.
boundingBox[4] PointFloat An array of four points describing the rectangle surrounding the Data Matrix barcode.
numErrorsCorrected unsigned int The number of errors the function corrected when decoding the Data Matrix barcode.
numErasuresCorrected unsigned int The number of erasures the function corrected when decoding the Data Matrix barcode.
aspectRatio float Specifies the aspect ratio of the Data Matrix barcode in the image, which equals the ratio of the width of a Data Matrix barcode cell (in pixels) to the height of a Data Matrix barcode cell (in pixels).
rows unsigned int The number of rows in the Data Matrix barcode.
columns unsigned int The number of columns in the Data Matrix barcode.
ecc DataMatrixECC The Error Correction Code (ECC) used by the Data Matrix barcode.
polarity DataMatrixPolarity The polarity of the Data Matrix barcode.
cellFill DataMatrixCellFillMode The cell fill percentage of the Data Matrix barcode.
borderIntegrity float The percentage of the Data Matrix barcode border that appears correctly in the image.
mirrored int This element is TRUE if the Data Matrix barcode appears mirrored in the image and FALSE if the Data Matrix barcode appears normally in the image.
minimumEdgeStrength unsigned int The strength of the weakest edge the function used to find the coarse location of the Data Matrix barcode in the image. Use this value as a guide for setting the edgeThreshold element of the searchOptions parameter of imaqReadDataMatrixBarcode2().
demodulationMode DataMatrixDemodulationMode The demodulation mode the function used to locate the Data Matrix barcode. If demodulationMode is set to IMAQ_AUTO_DETECT_DEMODULATION_MODE in the searchOptions parameter of imaqReadDataMatrixBarcode2(), this element indicates the recommended demodulation mode for this image.
cellSampleSize DataMatrixCellSampleSize The cell sample size the function used to locate the Data Matrix barcode. If cellSampleSize is set to IMAQ_AUTO_DETECT_CELL_SAMPLE_SIZE in the searchOptions parameter of imaqReadDataMatrixBarcode2(), this element indicates the recommended cell sample size for this image.
cellFilterMode DataMatrixCellFilterMode The cell filter mode the function used to locate the Data Matrix barcode. If cellFilterMode was set to IMAQ_AUTO_DETECT_CELL_FILTER_MODE in the searchOptions parameter of imaqReadDataMatrixBarcode2(), this element indicates the recommended cell filter mode for this image.
iterations unsigned int The number of iterations the function took in attempting to locate the Data Matrix barcode. If this number is equal to the maximumIterations element of the searchOptions parameter of imaqReadDataMatrixBarcode2(), and the function failed to locate the Data Matrix barcode, you may be able to locate the Data Matrix barcode by increasing maximumIterations.