
NI Vision for LabWindows/CVI Function


Defines the parameters of the algorithm the function uses to locate the objects and the information the function overlays to the image.





type ObjectType Specifies the types of objects the function detects.
threshold float Specifies the grayscale intensity that is used as threshold level. When type is IMAQ_BRIGHT_OBJECTS, threshold indicates the lowest pixel value that defines a bright object. When type is IMAQ_DARK_OBJECTS, threshold indicates the highest pixel value that defines a dark object.
rejectBorder int If TRUE, the function ignores objects touching the boarder of the search area. If you do not want the function to ignore border objects, set this element to FALSE.
fillHoles int If TRUE, the function fills the holes in the objects. If you do not want the function to fill the holes in objects, set this element to FALSE.
useMinSize int If TRUE, the function ignores objects the same size or smaller than minSize. If you do not want the function to ignore small objects, set this element to FALSE.
minSize int The function ignores objects this size and smaller when useMinSize is TRUE.
useMaxSize int If TRUE, the function ignores objects the same size or larger than maxSize. If you do not want the function to ignore large objects, set this element to FALSE.
maxSize int The function ignores objects this size and larger when useMaxSize is TRUE.
showSearchArea int If TRUE, the function overlays the search area on the image. If you do not want this information overlaid onto the image, set this element to FALSE.
showObjectCenter int If TRUE, the function overlays the location of the center of mass of the objects on the result image. If you do not want this information overlaid onto the image, set this element to FALSE.
showBoundingBox int If TRUE, the function overlays the bounding boxes of the objects on the result image. If you do not want this information overlaid onto the image, set this element to FALSE.