
NI-TClk Synchronization


C Function Prototype

ViStatus niTClk_WaitUntilDone (ViUInt32 sessionCount, ViSession sessions [], ViReal64 timeout);


Call this function to pause execution of your program until the acquisitions and/or generations corresponding to sessions are done or until the function returns a timeout error.

niTClk_WaitUntilDone is a blocking function that periodically checks the operation status. It returns control to the calling program if the operation completes successfully or an error occurs (including a timeout error).

This function is most useful for finite data operations that you expect to complete within a certain time.


Name Type Description
sessionCount ViUInt32 Number of elements in the sessions array.
sessions ViSession [] sessions is an array of sessions that are being synchronized.
timeout ViReal64 The amount of time in seconds that niTClk_WaitUntilDone waits for the sessions to complete. If timeout is exceeded, niTClk_WaitUntilDone returns an error.

Return Value