
NI-TClk Synchronization


Specific Function

C Function Prototype

ViStatus niTClk_GetExtendedErrorInfo (ViChar errorString [], ViUInt32 errorStringSize);


Reports extended error information for the most recent NI-TClk function that returned an error.

To establish the function that returned an error, use the return values of the individual functions because once niTClk_GetExtendedErrorInfo reports an errorString, it does not report an empty string again.


Name Type Description
errorString ViChar [] Extended error description. If errorString is NULL, then it is not large enough to hold the entire error description. In this case, the return value of niTClk_GetExtendedErrorInfo is the size that you should use for niTClk_GetExtendedErrorInfo to return the full error string.
errorStringSize ViUInt32 Size of the errorString. If errorStringSize is 0, then it is not large enough to hold the entire error description. In this case, the return value of niTClk_GetExtendedErrorInfo is the size that you should use for niTClk_GetExtendedErrorInfo to return the full error string.

Return Value