
NI-TClk Synchronization


C Function Prototype

ViStatus niTClk_SetAttributeViReal64 (ViSession session, ViConstString channelName, ViAttr attributeId, ViReal64 value);


Sets the value of an NI-TClk VIReal64 attribute.

niTClk_SetAttributeViReal64 is a low-level function that you can use to set the values of NI-TClk attributes.

NI-TClk contains high-level functions that set most of the attributes. It is best to use the high-level functions as much as possible.


Name Type Description
session ViSession session references the sessions being synchronized.
channelName ViConstString Pass VI_NULL or an empty string.
attributeId ViAttr The ID of the attribute that you want to set.

Supported Attribute


value ViReal64 The value for the attribute.

Return Value