flex_configure_breakpoint_output |
Configure Breakpoint Output
i32 status = flex_configure_breakpoint_output (u8 boardID, u8 axisOrEncoder, u16 polarity, u16 driveMode);
Configures the drive mode and polarity of the breakpoint output.
Name | Type | Description |
boardID | u8 | assigned by Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) |
axisOrEncoder | u8 | axis or encoder to configure |
polarity | u16 | specifies either active low or active high polarity |
driveMode | u16 | specifies either Open Collector or Totem Pole mode |
Parameter Discussion
axisOrEncoder is the axis or encoder to configure. You can configure breakpoints on encoders mapped to axes NIMC_AXIS1 through NIMC_AXIS30 or directly on encoders NIMC_ENCODER1 through NIMC_ENCODER30. On motion controllers that support fewer than thirty axes, configuring non-existent axes returns error 70006 (NIMC_badResourceIDOrAxisError). Refer to Axes and Encoders for axis and encoder resource IDs.
polarity is the breakpoint output configured as active low or active high. When configured as active low, the output is active when there is a low signal on the output pin. Conversely, active high means that the output is active when there is a high signal on the output pin.
Constant | Value | Description |
NIMC_ACTIVE_HIGH | 0 | Logical True or On |
NIMC_ACTIVE_LOW | 1 | Logical False or Off |
driveMode specifies either Open Collector or Totem Pole mode. driveMode is available only on the 7350 and is ignored on 7330/40/90 motion controllers.
Constant | Value | Description |
NIMC_OPEN_COLLECTOR | 0 | Configures output to be Open Collector |
NIMC_TOTEM_POLE | 1 | Configures output to be Totem Pole |
Using This Function
Use the Configure Breakpoint Output function to configure the driveMode and polarity of the breakpoint signal. For more information about Open Collector and Totem Pole drive modes, refer to the documentation for your 7350 device. Call this function at the beginning of the application before enabling the breakpoint with the Enable Breakpoints function.