Creating 32-Bit Applications

NI-Motion Functions

Creating 32-Bit Applications

Creating a 32-Bit LabWindows/CVI Application Creating a 32-Bit Microsoft or Borland C/C++ Application
Creating a 32-Bit Visual Basic Application

Creating a 32-Bit LabWindows/CVI Application

The NI-Motion header file for LabWindows/CVI programmers is FlexMotn.h. FlexMotn.h automatically includes other required files such as MotnErr.h, which is the NI-Motion error file for errors returned by the NI-Motion functions, and MotnCnst.h, the NI-Motion constants file for the constants used while making calls to the NI-Motion functions. All header files are installed in the NI-Motion\Include directory.

To create an application using LabWindows/CVI, link to the appropriate NI-Motion import library. If you set the default compiler compatibility mode to Microsoft Visual C++, link to FlexMS32.lib, which is installed in the NI-Motion\lib\Microsoft directory. If you set the default compiler compatibility mode to Borland C++, link to FlexBC32.lib library, which is installed in the NI-Motion\lib\Borland directory.

Example programs using these import libraries and the Flexmotion32.dll are in installed in the NI-Motion\Examples directory.

Creating a 32-Bit Microsoft or Borland C/C++ Application

The NI-Motion header file for C/C++ programmers is FlexMotn.h. FlexMotn.h automatically includes other required files such as MotnErr.h, the NI-Motion error file for errors returned by the NI-Motion functions, and MotnCnst.h, the NI-Motion constants file for the constants used while making calls to the NI-Motion functions. All header files are installed in the NI-Motion\Include directory.

Microsoft C/C++ programmers must link to the FlexMS32.lib import library, which is installed in the NI-Motion\lib\Microsoft directory. Borland C/C++ programmers must link to the FlexBC32.lib import library, which is installed in the NI-Motion\lib\Borland directory. The Borland import library is created in Borland version 5.0.

C\C++ example programs using these import libraries and the Flexmotion32.dll are installed in the NI-Motion\Examples directory.

Creating a 32-Bit Visual Basic Application

The NI-Motion function prototype file for Visual Basic programmers is the FlexMotn.bas module. In addition, motnerr.bas, the NI-Motion error file for errors returned by the NI-Motion functions, and motncnst.bas, the NI-Motion constants file for the constants used while making calls to the NI-Motion functions, must also be included in Visual Basic projects when making NI-Motion applications. All the Visual Basic modules are installed into the NI-Motion\Include directory.

Visual Basic example programs are installed in the NI-Motion\Examples directory.