NI-Motion Windows Libraries

NI-Motion Functions

NI-Motion Windows Libraries

This section contains general information about building NI-Motion applications, describes the nature of the NI-Motion files used in building NI-Motion applications, provides information specific to each language environment as well as general syntax information that applies to all languages, and explains the basics of building applications using the following tools:


Borland C/C++

Microsoft Visual C/C++

Microsoft Visual Basic

If you are not using one of the tools listed, consult the development tool reference manual for details on creating applications that call DLLs.

The NI-Motion DLL, FlexMotion32.dll, is used by NI-Motion applications under all versions of Windows.

If you are programming in C or C++, you must link in the appropriate import library so that you can call the NI-Motion DLL. In Microsoft Windows Vista/XP/2000, the import libraries are different for Microsoft and Borland C/C++. The import libraries contain information about the NI-Motion DLL-exported functions.

NI-Motion is packaged with function prototype files for different Windows development tools. For C/C++ development, the NI-Motion header file, flexmotn.h, is provided. For Visual Basic development, a BAS module, flexmotn.bas, is provided. If you are not using any of these development tools, you may need to create your own function prototype file based on the files provided with the NI-Motion software.