CWButton is the top-level object for the Button control.
BackColor | Specifies the background color of the button. |
BackgroundImage | Specifies the image to use for the background of the button. |
Caption | Specifies the text that appears in the button. |
CaptionColor | Specifies the color of the caption for the button. |
CWBindings | Returns a collection of CWBinding objects. |
Enabled | Specifies if the control responds to user input. |
Font | Specifies the font for the caption and the two text fields in the button. |
ImmediateUpdates | Specifies if the control draws new data as soon as it is available, or if the form refreshes the control when it draws other controls. |
KeyboardMode | Specifies how the control handles keyboard input from the user. |
Mode | Specifies how the button responds to user input. |
OffColor | Specifies the color of the button in the Off state. |
OffImage | Specifies the picture for the button in the Off state. |
OffText | Specifies the text for the button in the Off state. |
OffTextColor | Specifies the color of the text for the button in the Off state. |
OnColor | Specifies the color of the button in the On state. |
OnImage | Specifies the picture for the button in the On state. |
OnText | Specifies the text for the button in the On state. |
OnTextColor | Specifies the color of the text for the button in the On state. |
ReadyState | Returns the ready state. |
ShowFocusMode | Specifies how the control indicates it has the focus. |
Value | Specifies the current value of the button. |
Windowless | Specifies if the control has a window. |
AboutBox | Displays the About Box for the control. |
ControlImage | Returns an image of the entire control. |
ExportStyle | Exports the style of the Measurement Studio control to a file. |
ImportStyle | Imports a previously exported style. |
OffImages | Provides access to the CWImage objects in the CWButton control in the Off state. |
OnImages | Provides access to the CWImage objects in the CWButton control in the On state. |
Refresh | Redraws the CWButton control. |
SetBuiltinStyle | Sets many properties of the control to represent the new style specified. |
Click | Generates when you click the mouse on the control. |
CWBindingDataUpdated | Generated when the binding data is updated. |
CWBindingStatusUpdated | Generated when the status of the binding connection changes. |
DblClick | Generates when you double-click the mouse on the control. |
KeyDown, KeyUp | KeyUp generates when you release a key while the control has the input focus.
KeyDown generates when you press a key while the control has the input focus. |
KeyPress | Generated when the control has focus and you press a key. |
MouseDown, MouseMove, MouseUp | MouseDown generates when you click the mouse on the control. MouseMove generates when you move the mouse over the control. MouseUp generates when you release the mouse on the control. |
ReadyStateChange | Generated when the ready state changes. |
ValueChanged | Generates when the value of the button changes. |